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seungmin opened his eyes, coughing violently the second he took a breath.

he couldn't see, the room he was in was filled with smoke, it stung his eyes and throat as he gagged and spluttered, trying to move, hopefully to find a window but he couldn't move an inch.

he was tied to a chair, his hands behind his back, bound with rope. he gasped again, trying to get a breath of fresh air.

"h-help!" he squeaked, making himself cough again.

he heard a deep chuckle come from behind him, making him flinch, he squinted through the smoke that stung his eyes and started shaking in fear.

a figure walked around in front of him and leant in, seungmin tried to focus his eyes, seeing the face of one of the men. he started to breathe heavily, panicking.

"nobody can hear you, save your breath."

seungmin felt tears sting his eyes and spill down his cheeks. he was scared and confused, his body was freezing cold and shaking harder by the second. the man's stare was way more intense up close, seungmin tried to speak as the man just stared, lifting a cigarette to his lips.

"c-can't bre-athe." he wheezed between coughs.

the man smirked, blowing a breath of smoke right in seungmin's face, he coughed violently and choked again, his throat feeling like it was closing as he tried to turn his head away.

"well, you haven't passed out yet, so it can't be that bad." another voice spoke.

seungmin looked up, seeing the other man get up from a chair in the corner.

"wh-who are you?" seungmin wheezed between coughs.

"your worst nightmare." one of them teased, watching seungmin shake in fear.

the men laughed at seungmin's state in front of them.

"we saw you like dogs." he chuckled.

the stranger clicked his fingers and the big dog appeared at his feet within seconds.

seungmin noticed that it wasn't on the chain anymore.

"fass." he snapped firmly.

the dog started barking and growling and seungmin got scared and tried to back away as he sobbed, but he couldn't move with his hands bound behind him and a rope keeping him to the chair by his waist and each foot tied to the chair legs.

"byeol down." the man spoke abruptly and the dog sat and stopped barking.

tears ran down seungmin's cheeks as he struggled in the rope.

"wh-what do you want with me?"

"so many questions." the other man shook his head, walking to another side of the room.

the foul smoke stopped seungmin from fully seeing what he was doing. it stung his eyes, only adding to his tears. he walked back with a strip of black fabric and seungmin just stared, his eyes wide and frightened.


seungmin shook his head and clamped his mouth shut, still crying and having to breathe through his nose, making him need to cough again.

"i said open!" the man snapped.

seungmin didn't, he just kept crying.

the man raised his hand and slapped seungmin hard making him yelp. he dropped his head and cried harder, now with a stinging pain through his cheek and his ear ringing from the force of the slap as the man shoved the cloth into his mouth. he gagged and yelled into the fabric, struggling hard. the man tied it behind his head, shutting him up.

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