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seungmin stirred at the sound of locks on the door.

he slowly woke up and rubbed his eyes, his head hurt a lot more than usual. he rubbed his temple as he propped himself up on his elbow, looking up at the door as it opened and both men walked in.

he didn't make eye contact with them, he was nervous about what happened last night, he didn't want it to be brought up again.

minho came over and handed him the container, he had been having porridge every morning to help keep his throat lubricated and make it easier for him to eat. he opened the container and took the spoon too.

"thank you." he mumbled.

he couldn't look at chan because of what he had to deal with last night. he couldn't look at minho either, because of some of the things he had felt and thought about the day before.

he felt particularly bad today, he was still sick, he felt guilt for himself over his choice of actions when he had the chance to run. he felt awkward and uncomfortable with what he had felt about minho, he felt embarrassed about what happened the night before with chan, he felt confusion in general and so lost, it was getting to him badly.

he ate relatively slowly to make sure he could keep it down, taking small sips of water in between. he eventually finished the small amount of food in the container and opened his hand as chan handed him two pills. he took them as normal, hoping it would help his throbbing headache.

when he was done he put down the water and sat back a bit, he expected them to leave after that like normal, but they didn't.

"get up."

seungmin hesitated, he was only in underwear, that was pretty embarrassing.

were they taking him back down to the basement?

he didn't want to go, he liked the bed and the window, he didn't want to be locked down there again, it was damp and cold and this room had proper ventilation and the bed was so comfortable. he felt less lonely when he looked out of the window, and it put his mind to ease that the room wasn't as difficult to get to, so that if something happened to them and they couldn't get to the basement, he wouldn't be left to starve to death.

he didn't move, he didn't care if they had to drag him, he would put up a fight before he went back down there, he was still sick too, they couldn't do that.

"are you hearing me? get up." minho snapped impatiently.

seungmin flinched, he really didn't want to, he shifted back against the headboard, he didn't want to move, he wanted to stay there, he felt safe in the bed.

chan glared and grabbed seungmin's ankle, pulling him forward, when seungmin was pulled closer by his foot, he felt chan's hand grab his neck, he flinched and tensed up.

"when you're told to do something, do it." he spoke, his voice felt threatening and scary.

seungmin looked away from him.


chan let him go and stood back.


seungmin focused on the soft matress and sheets one more time before standing up. he felt tears brimming in the corner of his eyes but he forced them down, he felt weak enough as it was, he did not want to cry.

he gasped when minho pushed him against the wall, his hand landing on it behind seungmin's head, he stood in front of seungmin, trapping him against the wall.

seungmin widened his eyes a little and looked up at him, confused. he stayed still, he felt vulnerable wearing nothing but underwear but with minho having him trapped against the wall too, it was agonising.

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