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minho came back with a glass of water as chan stroked seungmin's hair, whispering praise in his ear as he cuddled the boy, watching him continue to melt into his arms.

minho lifted seungmin's chin and held the glass to his lips.

"drink it."

seungmin looked up at minho. they always gave him bottles of water to drink from, he had half a bottle of water with him already, why did he have to drink from a glass? he didn't question it and leaned up, taking a sip from the glass but minho held it there.

"all of it love, drink up."

seungmin looked at him as minho caressed his cheek, urging seungmin to drink the whole glass. it didn't take any convincing, he hardly knew what was going on already, he was caught up in the warm butterflies in his stomach. he finished the glass and minho put it down on the coffee table.

minho pressed play on the movie and seungmin gave a small whine, burying his face in chan's hoodie again. chan pulled him closer, letting the boy cuddle into him for comfort.

seungmin tried to keep watching the movie, peeking up from chan's arms, looking at the screen cautiously.

it wasn't long before he wasn't paying attention to the movie anymore, he started to feel weird, the butterflies in his stomach made him feel warm, but now he didn't feel warm anymore, he felt hot. he didn't know what was wrong with him but his mind kept drifting away from the movie and to other things.

like how hot chan's body was, how he was pressed right up against it, how warm his skin felt and his muscular arms, he thought about minho, his sexy scent and the way he stared, that glare usually scared seungmin but thinking about it now stirred something in him. he bit at his lip, glancing up at chan who was watching the screen, he couldn't pull his mind away from drifting into the images in his mind of them hovering over him.

the look of pleasure on their faces, the sounds of their moans and the way they manhandled seungmin, pulling him closer to use him harder, calling him pretty names while doing something so dirty. he thought about their hands, grabbing his waist, his thighs, pinning his wrists to the bed or holding his throat. he squeezed his eyes shut, feeling the heat bubbling in his stomach getting worse.

eventually, the heat he felt in his body travelled lower and made him squeeze his thighs together, he felt himself start getting aroused and he blushed hard, he couldn't do that, that would be so embarrassing. he didn't even know why he was turned on, he glanced down at minho, he looked so hot even just sitting there.

he didn't know what to do, the arousal was involuntary now, a few dirty thought would make him a little horny but there's no way just remembering things like that would give him a full erection, he bit down on his lip harder, moving his hand to is lower stomach, it just wasn't possible that he was so horny over literally nothing, this never happened before but he couldn't think about why it could be happening, he was too busy burying his face deeper in chan's hoodie.

his mind was cloudy and he couldn't think, he was just getting pulled in by the faint scent of cologne on the hoodie, it drove him crazy. his mind started spinning and he couldn't focus on anything. his problem only got worse when chan pulled him up suddenly, sitting seungmin on his lap, going back to watching the movie.

seungmin immediately leaned against chan, burying his face in the older's neck, feeling small in his arms, he felt so hot and flustered, so needy he couldn't control himself.

"hyung." he whispered breathily.

he shifted closer on chan's lap, wanting to be as close as he could get, he was so warm and inviting.

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