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seungmin slept through the whole night.

it felt peaceful and calming and he didn't have any nightmares or disturbances at all.

he woke up in the morning to something on his face making him stir out of sleep. he shifted slightly and moved his hand to whatever was touching his face. he hummed sleepily when he felt the hand that had been rubbing his cheek take his own and hold it. he slowly opened his eyes and looked up to see minho holding his hand, looking tired himself, he stretched a little, yawning softly.

seungmin rubbed his face against his bear, curling up under the blanket.

he looked over at chan still sleeping and he had to admit that the man looked good, even when he slept. he had his arms crossed under the pillow, laying on his stomach, his skin looked so soft and clear, he remembered what it looked like with red scratch marks over it and started to turn red.

he smiled shyly to himself as he hugged his bear, looking over chan's muscular back and shoulders. he felt minho wrap his arms around seungmin's waist and pull him closer so he was spooning him, both of them looking at chan.

"you don't make it subtle when you drool over his body... or mine for that matter." minho mumbled.

his voice sounded sleepy and heavy but seungmin definitely didn't mind.

he flushed red and covered his face, getting embarrassed as he felt minho's hands around him.

"i can't help it." he mumbled shyly.

"why's that?"

seungmin whined and shook his head, he was shy about it now, they were both just so attractive that he couldn't help but stare at them, he liked minho's thighs a lot, they were so muscular and strong. he liked chan's chest and abs, his body was so chiselled and defined, and it was perfect to hug onto.

"you're going to behave well today right? if you want us to keep being nice?"

seungmin nodded fast and held onto his bear, closing his eyes as he relaxed against minho. it felt so good to be close to him, minho rarely let him be close and cuddly so leaning back into his arms and not being thrown off was amazing.

chan stirred after a while, yawning as he rubbed his face against the pillow, waking himself up a little more. he breathed deeply and stretched his arms and legs out, letting out small groans as his muscles tensed. he propped himself up on his elbows and rubbed his eyes before glancing over at minho and seungmin.

"morning." minho mumbled from behind seungmin.

chan hummed in reply, moving himself onto his side to face them, looking at seungmin.

"how did you sleep?"

seungmin nodded a little, rubbing his eye.

"really really good." he replied softly.

he always slept amazingly well when he wasn't alone, he felt so much better the next day.

"what're we doing today?" minho piped up, letting go of seungmin and sitting up.

"hopefully not much, i don't feel like doing anything today."

"me either."

seungmin lay against the pillows, more than happy to stay there quietly and listen to what they said. he didn't care what they did, they were going to be nice so anything they planned would be perfect.

minho got out of bed first grabbing his towel to go take a shower, leaving the room and heading to the bathroom. seungmin glanced up at chan who lay back down on his back.

"c'mere." he mumbled, lifting one arm.

seungmin got a tiny smile and shifted closer, moving under chan's arm and laying close to him.

"so you're going to manage to keep us nice all day?"

seungmin nodded.

"i want to try really hard."

"how're you going to do that?"

"uhmm.. i need to listen more carefully and do things faster."

"hm good."

seungmin rubbed his eye and looked at the window of minho's room, he could tell he was on the other side of the house to his room, meaning he would be able to see from the front of the house.

"uhm-" he went to say something before realising he didn't know how he should address chan.

he didn't want to go on first name basis since he was extra careful about being good and respectful. he had called them hyung, but only during intimate time and he didn't know if that was okay, or whether he should use something a lot more formal. he didn't want to assume and take risks, that could lead to their niceness ending.

"what?" chan asked, looking down at him.

"what do i call you?"

"hyung is fine."

seungmin nodded a little, he would prefer that over other things.

"is that okay for minho too?"

chan nodded a little, putting his other arm under his head.

"can i look out of the window?"

"no, someone could see you."

"i'll leave the blinds down, and just look through them."

"maybe later, for now i said no." he replied firmly.

seungmin nodded obediently. he wanted to look out of the window but he wanted them to keep being nice even more, he decided to shut up for now and do as he was told.

he heard the shower start as he looked at the blinds.

"i need to go shopping today." chan mumbled, thinking out loud.

seungmin looked up.

"can i come?"


"i'll wear a mask, i just want to go outside, i promise i'll do exactly as you say." he mumbled out quickly.

chan scoffed and laid his head back down. that wasn't very promising.

seungmin shifted up a little and let his forehead rest against chan's neck, he liked how warm he was. a lot of the time they were cold and mean, but to touch and be close with, they always made him feel warm.

he wasn't the smallest person in the world but he always felt small and protected with them. which didn't make sense because they had hurt him and threatened him more than anyone in his life, but at the same time he had never felt safer than when chan or minho held him.



"i'm really hungry." he mumbled.

his stomach was giving him painful cramps from not eating and as nice as it felt to be cuddled, he couldn't enjoy it when he had searing pains in his stomach and he felt nauseous.

"what do you want for breakfast?"

seungmin's head shot up and he looked at chan with slightly wide eyes.

did he really mean he got to choose what he ate?

chan looked at his face and chuckled, nudging him off and sitting up.

"hurry and pick something before i change my mind."

seungmin remembered his favorite breakfast meal he used to have on bad days to make him feel happy.


"you want pancakes?"

seungmin nodded fast, looking at him as if it was the most serious thing that had ever happened. to seungmin it felt serious.

"lets go see if we have the ingredients."

seungmin was ecstatic, but at the same time he kept his guard up, it wasn't unlike them to lead him on then shoot him down just for fun. he got up quickly, following after chan as they left the room.


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