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seungmin shook his head fast, tearing up as chan opened the basement door.

"shhh, do as i say."

he knew this was risky, seungmin could easily escape if the police were here and get them locked up, he had to pull every manipulation technique he possibly could to get seungmin to trust him enough to do as he said.

he made his voice soft as he took seungmin down the stairs, he didn't have time to get the doors to seungmin's room open. he let go of seungmin and pulled the old desk away from the wall a bit, pushing boxes to cover up the other side of the desk.

"come here, crawl in there."

chan had made a small opening to get under the desk so he could push it against the wall and trap seungmin in with the boxes.

seungmin shook his head, starting to cry.

chan thought of what he had to do, he walked to seungmin and hugged him.

"you have to do as i say right now."

seungmin shook his head, it felt so good to be in chan's arms but he couldn't enjoy it.

"i-i know who's here... please let me go. i-i can't stay, i can't need you anymore, i-it hurts too much-"

"shh, listen to me, you need us, you only have us now, you want to keep behaving for us don't you?"

chan knew what he was doing, he moved seungmin's face to his neck, hugging him in his arms. he had to get seungmin weak enough to be blinded by desire.

"you want more praise, you want to be a good boy for us dont you? you want us to tell you how good you are."

seungmin started melting against him, nuzzling his face against chan's neck.

so warm.

"keep being good for us-"

"y-you'll hurt me."

"if you do as i say i won't hurt you anymore."

"n' yell at me."

"i know how much you love to be touched, we'll hold you more if you do as we say, you'll be touched and hugged more."

chan pulled away from the hug and cupped seungmin's cheeks, rubbing them slowly to get him weaker. seungmin's tears were running down his face, he loved it so much, being touched like this.

"i-i-" he started to resist again.

"you want to be touched in other ways?" chan whispered, looking deep into seungmin's eyes.

seungmin froze, he didn't know what chan meant but by the way his thumb was running over his cheeks was impossible to resist.

"anything you want, you want to keep being so good for us, i know you do, we'll make you feel amazing, you know we can do that."

chan leaned in closer, he was so close to his face now, he melted and sniffled softly, leaning against chan's hands.

"m' scared, i-if i can't go, y-you can't go anywhere either."

chan knew he was getting though to him.

"if you do as i say, nobody will go anywhere i promise, but you have to be good for me now, and you'll be rewarded. hug your bear and stay silent, we'll let you out more, you can't leave here, do you think they'll believe you over us? they won't, you know that... you'll sound crazy, you don't want that do you? trust me, you need us so much, you forget about all of the bad things when i touch you like this, imagine how it will feel to be touched more? you have to stay because nobody will care for you like we do, be good and stay quiet, our sweet baby."

seungmin swallowed the lump in his throat and melted completely, he felt something inside him snap, he couldn't fight that, that intense feeling of...

he couldn't say it.

he closed his eyes tightly, nodding slowly, looking up at him, he couldn't say it, all he could do was look up at chan, all judgement and logic completely concealed behind this feeling that he felt, that he had felt for a while that he just refused to acknowledge, that feeling that had been eating away at him, destroying his power, his better nature, it had taken over his urges and made him weak for them.

god it was so addictive, the way they felt, the way they looked, the way they touched him, the way they spoke to him. he wanted more, so much more, this wasn't just a feeling anymore it had become the one thing driving him, the reason he couldn't run, the reason they could make him apologize for anything they wanted, they could make him do whatever they wanted because he-

"crawl in there and don't move until one of us come and get you."

seungmin wiped his eyes and sniffled, going down onto his knees and crawling through the small gap, there was no room under there, he drew his knees up to his chest and rested his head on them. he had to do as they said. he hugged his bear tightly as chan took a few breaths and and headed up the stairs.

"what's going on?"

he completely switched, a facade appearing on his face as he entered the kitchen where three police officers were, none of them looking like they wanted to be there.

"we recieved a report that you are the men responsible for the disappearance of kim seungmin."

"that kid that went missing years ago? why would we have anything to do with that?"

"it's that woman from the store." chan said, looking at minho.

"woman?" one of the police officers piped up.

"she was staring at us while we loaded our van then just outright accused us of it, i'm not surprised she actually filed a report."

"either way, if you have nothing to hide, you won't mind if we have a look around, right?" one officer said, not looking convinced that they actually had any involvement.

"search away."

both of them hid their lies perfectly, they didn't give a single hint as the men started to look around their house.

"i can't imagine how many places you've searched." minho spoke bitterly.

the man hummed and searched through the room.

"I don't know why this case is even still open."

chan and minho hated police. chan's father was a lawyer but other than that they wanted no involvement with the law. neither one of them had a good relationship with their parents.


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