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it had been too long to count since seungmin was taken away from the luxury of his home and locked up in this tiny room and he hated it more than ever.

every day was the same, he would be woken up by his captors with breakfast, usually consisting of plain bread, he always got scared when he heard the door unlock, he would break into a cold sweat, his body would tense and he would grip his blanket in fear and cling to it, he would freeze up and pray that they were in a good mood.

they left the food on top of the cabinet and disappeared again, never failing to lock the door behind them, they then left him there the whole day, only coming in with water to wash him every few days, they brought him more food in the evening and then left again.

seungmin had nothing to occupy himself, only making it more painful. he had started counting the ticks of his little clock to keep track of the time without looking at it, or counting the tiles on the high ceiling, or trying to remember songs and poems to stop himself going completely insane. the whir of the ventilator was another thing he could count to entertain himself, it didn't stop the room from being damp, cold and stuffy though, it was hard to be comfortable when his body was always freezing, he had socks but they only kept his feet a little warmer than his hands, he had a blanket on the bed too, and although it was an upgrade from the one he had before, it was still thin and small and didn't help much with keeping him warm.

he was laying on his bed, staring at the walls and ceiling, his mind completely lost and blank as the boredom felt agonising. he jumped and tensed up when he heard the sound of footsteps stop outside of his door, he looked at the clock, it was mid day, he knew it wasn't wash day because that was yesterday, he sat upright fast and stared at the door as the locks started to make noise, he had no idea what to expect.

he felt sweat form on his forehead as his eyes stayed locked on the door, it opened slowly and chan and minho walked in, he said nothing. if he had learned anything in the past months he had been locked in this hell it was to never speak until you could tell what mood they were in.

"stand up."

seungmin didn't think twice before obeying him.

he noticed minho holding a cardboard box, as well as a knife, he gulped silently, now he was certain he was going to do exactly as he was told.

"put your stuff in there."

minho put the box on seungmin's bed. he didn't have much at all, and he was confused as to what was going on but he silently obeyed, starting by picking up his little clock and placing it on his bed before gathering up his pillow and blanket, putting them into the box with his clock on top, that was all he had, he looked to the men for the next instruction.

chan pulled out a black fabric bag and walked to seungmin, putting it over his head.

he tensed up, but didn't protest, all he had to do was remember minho's knife and the feeling of chan's hands around his throat and he stayed quiet and obedient.

he heard footsteps and stayed as still as possible, jumping when he heard a voice next to his ear.

"you're going to do exactly as we say, or i will end your life without hesitation and wipe your blood on some other scared little rat, understand?"

seungmin bit down on his tongue, holding in a scared cry as he nodded immediately, his eyes brimmed with tears as he stayed frozen.

"i said, do you understand?" minho snapped.

"yes." seungmin spoke in barely a whisper.

his voice felt hoarse all of a sudden, like his throat was closing. he was suddenly shoved forward, he stumbled where they pushed him, trying hard to stay on his feet, he spent all his time sitting or laying down, he only stood up for wash days and when they told him to so his legs were weak and hardly able to hold his weight when he was pushed.

one of them grabbed his arms and pulled them behind him and started pushing, making him walk, he had taken a few steps now and he knew his room wasn't big enough for that so he concluded he was being taken out of his room.

if the random appearance in the middle of the day, bag over his head, the threats with the knife and the box with his things in it weren't confusing enough, being taken out of his room for the first time other than when they locked him in the cupboard had his head spinning. they had put him there to clean his room but his room was clean right now so he ruled that out with relief that he wouldn't be confined in that tiny space.

he was so scared to be put in there again.

he thought hard, he hadn't been disobedient at all, he had adapted to doing exactly as they said and learned what not to say, he couldn't figure out what was happening.

he felt himself be turned then pushed to walk again but he couldn't keep track of which way he was turning, they were a long way past his room now, and seungmin was already tired, this was the most walking he had done in months and his limited diet meant he lost so much weight his weak legs were straining after only a few minutes of walking.

it only got worse when he tripped over a step, he was pulled upright and shoved again, only to realize that it wasn't just one step.

seungmin fell about five steps up, panting heavily.

"get up!"

"i-i can't, please."

"i said get up!"

"my legs are so weak, i can't walk anymore... please! "

he didn't want to disobey them but his body ached so much, his legs were shaking with effort to pull himself up, he couldn't see and he couldn't use his hands as they were still being held behind his back.

"you're so pathetic!" chan snapped.

he pulled seungmin up to his feet, watching his knees buckle trying to hold himself up, his muscles strained to keep himself on his feet but he couldn't, he started to fall again, trying desperately.

chan rolled his eyes and picked seungmin up with ease, he pulled him up, starting to walk up the stairs, seungmin tried to comply and stay still as chan carried him. he was so scared, he didn't know where he was being taken or why, he started to think they were going to take him home, they packed up his stuff and were taking him away from his room.

he clung to that hope, knowing it was unlikely but he could only wish that he would be going home.

he was abruptly pulled from his thoughts when he felt a cold breeze against his body. he couldn't see and he couldn't breathe in very well under the bag but he would hear the sound of soft wind, he could hear the soft brushing of leaves against each other, was he outside?

he was put on his feet and the floor under his socks felt cold and bumpy, like gravel, he closed his eyes, listening hard to the sounds that he hadn't heard in months. his head was spinning, he was so distracted that he fell over when he was pushed forward, he hit the floor, crying out as the floor cut his knee, he was definitely outside, the gravel stung as he was hauled back up.

"you always have to be difficult huh?"

he was lifted under his arms and shoved onto a higher platform, he felt chan step up after him, a little confused until he heard the sound of a van door closing, he wanted to stay out in the open, he wanted to see the sky and breathe in the air but now he was distracted as he sniffed, feeling blood drip down his knee.


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