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seungmin waited eagerly, tapping his foot on the floor as he heard footsteps. he wanted to try his plan so badly, he listened to the locks, hardly able to contain himself. his eyes followed the door as it opened.

he looked up to see chan walk in, seungmin momentarily forgot what his plan was as he was followed in by minho, both of them shirtless and splattered with blood.

seungmin felt his stomach turn as he backed up, he froze as chan walked towards him, a dark smirk on his face.

"d-don't please!" seungmin whimpered, his back hitting the wall.

chan stopped right in front of him, holding up his hand, blood dripping down his wrist. seungmin shook his head fast, trying to back away as chan moved his hand towards his face.

"what? don't you want a hug?" chan asked in a mocking tone.

seungmin teared up, shaking his head fast as he tried to move further away, now backed into a corner.

chan grabbed his face, making seungmin feel like he was going to be sick. he closed his eyes tightly, feeling the cold liquid on his face.

"this will happen to you if you don't do as you're told."

seungmin shuddered, holding chan's wrist, he tried to push his hand away desperately.

"are you going to do as we say?"

seungmin nodded frantically, crying as he tried to think of something other than what was on his face.


"you need us. don't you?" he whispered.

seungmin didn't react at all, he didn't want to say that, he didn't want to admit to himself that he needed them in order to survive, let alone admit it to their faces. minho approached and leaned down next to seungmin's ear.

"say it."

seungmin shook his head fast, tried to get chan's hand off his face. minho glared and raised his voice.

"say it!"

seungmin started crying harder, squirming as he clung to chan's wrist, the thought of admitting to them that he needed them scared him so much, he continued to struggle and squirm. he wasn't thinking, he wasn't thinking straight when he moved his leg, his knee hitting chan's stomach. he didn't mean to do it and it wasn't hard but chan's eyes darkened as he let go of seungmin's face, his hand moving to his throat. he pinned him down to the mattress by his neck, squeezing.

seungmin's eyes widened as he clawed at chan's wrist, gasping to try and breathe in, his nails scratched into chan's arm as the grip only tightened.

he thought he was going to die. chan was going to kill him. his wide eyes looked to minho for help but he was smirking too.

"i can kill you, i can kill you right now."

seungmin saw the crazed look in chan's eyes and he knew he wasn't bluffing. he kept gasping, desperate for a breath, looking up at chan as his eyes filled with fresh tears.

"you're pathetic. you're nothing, you think anyone would miss you if i ended your life right now?! what's stopping me?!"

seungmin's vision was starting to go black, he gasped harder, his body heaving, trying to breathe in. he slowly stopped struggling as he fought to stay awake.

he couldn't fight anymore, he was going. he could feel himself falling unconscious and he knew he was going to die.

"you think you're worth it to anyone?!"

seungmin gasped as chan let go of his neck, he grabbed his own throat, inhaling deeply as his eyes shot open.

"what's wrong huh? couldn't breathe?"

seungmin continued to cry, breathing heavily as he squirmed away from chan, he stared in terror as chan got up staring down at him. both men scoffed, looking at seungmin before leaving, slamming the door and locking it.

seungmin stayed lay on his bed, sobbing uncontrollably, his body shaking hard as he held his neck, panting heavily. he tried to sit himself up, feeling the blood on his face and his hand flew to his mouth.

he had to haul himself off the bed and pull his body to the toilet, throwing up the second he got there. his already weak body ached and trembled as he heaved, he gagged hard as nothing was coming up since he hadn't eaten. tears poured down his face as he wretched, gripping the edge of the toilet so hard his knuckles turned white.

he fell back onto the floor when his body stopped heaving, sobbing hard, his body shook, he hated them both so much it hurt. he couldn't do this anymore. he reached up for his water bottle, his hands shaking, he opened it and tipped it over his face to try and get the blood off, desperately scrubbing at his cheeks.

he looked up at the ceiling, the empty water bottle on the floor, laying in a small puddle of water and traces of blood. his whole body hurt from throwing up, his stomach cramped, painfully empty, he could feel himself fading, he was too weak to fight, he let himself slip into unconsciousness.


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