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"you'll remember this room love."

chan pushed the door open and took seungmin inside, it was the room he was moved to when he got there, chan sat him in the seat in the middle and seungmin felt sick again.


seungmin did remember, he remembered breathing in only smoke and it was scary. chan went into the drawer and pulled out a cigarette and a lighter, he put it between his lips and walked towards seungmin, putting the lighter in his hand, crouching down in front of him.

"light it."

seungmin fumbled with the lighter a little before he got the flame to come up, touching it to the end and watching it burn as chan inhaled, he held his bear tighter his hands shaking slightly.

minho took the lighter from him and chan took it out of his mouth, lifting seungmin's chin and blowing the smoke in his face.

seungmin tensed up a little as he breathed it in and coughed immediately. that was a horrible feeling, when he was alone and scared and had no idea what was going to happen to him. he looked away from chan, trying to clear the smoke out of his throat.

"god you were so cute, do you know how adorable you look when you're scared?"

seungmin looked back at chan, he was acting different, he looked intimidating, like he was scary, but he found seungmin's fear pleasurable.

"you had no idea what was coming to you, if only you'd have known, you'd have cried a lot harder."

now minho too? seungmin gripped his bear tighter as chan took another drag from his cigarette, handing it to minho too, he blew it in seungmin's face again, making his eyes sting and well up with tears.

"look at you now, did you ever think you'd end up falling in love with us?"

seungmin felt his stomach twist. that word, why did chan have to use that word? he looked down, he hated thinking of that, but he was scared too because he knew that's exactly what had happened. he did feel like that.

his feelings should've been a dead giveaway. he craved them, their touch could make all the bad things go away, he forgot about all of the abuse and violence when they held him. their scents, their voices, seungmin felt addicted to them. he liked everything they did way more than the things he hated, he wanted them to feel the same about him, it all made sense when he thought about it this way. he looked up as chan lifted his chin.

"say it."

seungmin shook his head, tearing up.

"we know it's true, say it."


chan tightened his grip on seungmin's face, making him whimper in pain. he was going to get those three little words out of seungmin.

"say it!"

"y-you're scaring me." seungmin cried, gripping his bear.

minho grabbed his bear and threw it across the room, landing in the corner, seungmin tried to get up but chan pushed him down, grabbing the rope on the chair and tying it around seungmin, restraining him.

"say it."

"t-take it off!"

seungmin struggled and looked up at them, minho took another drag of the cigarette before leaning forward and touching the end on seungmin's wrist.

he cried out and pulled his arm away as it burnt him, he started crying again, he didn't know what was going on, he wanted to go home, he didn't like what this place turned them into, they were different people here, he struggled harder. minho just laughed and grabbed seungmin's wrist and touched it to his arm again, watching him scream and cry in pain.

"say it!"

seungmin resisted again, watching in horror as chan pulled a knife out of the drawer, approaching seungmin.

"s-stop it! please!"

"i like when you beg."

chan spun the knife in his hands and seungmin struggled against the rope, he widened his eyes as chan leaned down and pressed the knife against seungmin's neck, he tipped his head back away from it, panting heavily and looking up at chan in pure fear.

"say it or i get to see your pretty skin covered in blood."

seungmin started to cry harder, he was so scared of chan like this, he looked disturbed, he looked like he genuinely wanted to hurt him.

he couldn't resist more or he would be severely hurt, maybe even die, three words, it didn't matter how much they meant, his life right now meant more.


"say it!"

"i love you..."

chan smirked darkly and moved the knife away, gripping seungmin's jaw again.

"good boy. i like it even more when you do as you're told, you don't want to end up dead do you?"

seungmin sobbed quietly as he shook his head fast, chan moved his hand and untied the rope, watched seungmin immediately lift his arms at them, lowering his head shamefully.

chan pulled him up and against his chest, watching seungmin break down against him, sobbing uncontrollably against his shirt, they had won, they had successfully won against their helpless little angel.

"no more resisting baby, you know it's true."

seungmin closed his eyes and cried, he knew they were right, he did love them, he desperately didn't want to but he did, even thought they were evil, heartless psychopaths, he wanted them to love him too. he felt so attached, almost addicted to the both of them, it was so frustrating and painful. all he needed to make the pain go away was chan and minho.

minho came over and leaned down, pressing a kiss to the side of seungmin's head. seungmin breathed heavily as he cried against chan, clinging onto them desperately and pathetically.


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