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seungmin stared at the floor, laying on the edge of the bed, he could hear footsteps upstairs but he was too focused on himself.

his stomach was hurting, he felt sick and nauseous, his nose was running and his eyes were watering from coughing so much, he held his stomach, he had been waiting for them to finally come down but when he heard the door unlock and he sat up quickly, he immediately regretting it.

his hand flew to his mouth and he ran into his bathroom, doubling over in front of the toilet and violently throwing up, he dropped to his knees, gripping the sides of the toilet as he did.

chan and minho heard it and sped up a little but with no real rush, walked into seungmin's room.

"what's wrong with you?"

seungmin whimpered, if he wasn't so busy trying to control his stomach he would've been annoyed at their insensitivity.

he started coughing as he was leant over the toilet, his small frame heaving and shaking as he coughed and choked, his head went light and his body flushed pale, he felt like he was going to pass out.

they actually started to get concerned looking at seungmin's state as he started crying too, panting heavily, his body didn't give him a break between throwing up and violently coughing, he was in so much pain it hurt everywhere. chan really didn't like the idea of caring about seungmin, he didn't want to be nice and attentive, there was no fun in that, that's not what seungmin was here for. minho thought the same but despite this, they weren't stupid and could tell that this was serious.

chan approached him first, coming to stand next to him.

"you need to try and breath, you're going to pass out if you don't."

seungmin groaned in annoyance, if he could 'just breathe' he would, did they really think he hadn't tried that?

chan looked up at minho.

"grab the blanket and the cup."

minho nodded and did that, bringing them back, chan took it and began to fill the cup with water as minho draped the blanket over seungmin's trembling body.

eventually he stopped throwing up but he was still coughing, he started to fall backwards and minho had to lean down and catch him, he pulled seungmin up and carrying him to his bed, sitting him there. chan came over with some tissue and water, he held the tissue to seungmin's mouth as his coughs slowed down, he wiped his face and lifted the cup to his lips.

"sip it or you'll choke."

seungmin tried to take the cup with shaky hands only to have minho push them away, chan held the cup while seungmin took a few sips, trying to slow down his breaths in between.

minho looked at him, putting the back of his hand on seungmin's forehead.

"holy shit, chan he's burning up."

"take the blanket off."

seungmin shook his head fast, his body had gone freezing cold and he was shivering, sweat was dripping down his face and neck but he clung to the blanket.

"hyung, go upstairs and grab a bucket of water and a deep bowl, and we have some cough syrup in the medecine cabinet, go get that."

seungmin wasn't listening, he had started coughing again, his body not letting him rest.

minho was internally panicking, if he was seriously sick they would have to take him to a doctor, they would know his face and his name, and seungmin could escape and report them and they could end up in prison, he just hoped it wouldn't get much worse than this. seungmin was crying hard again as he coughed, the sharp pain in his throat felt unbearable. he moved his hand to minho's gripping it just for something to hold onto as he coughed into his arm. he wasn't sure why, in this state he wasn't able to control or think about the urges his body was experiencing so his body just immediately acted. minho looked down at his hand, confused.

why would seungmin want to hold his hand?

he didn't return it, he was never a fan of physical touch, he could tolerate touching seungmin's face just to reduce him to a more pathetic state than normal for fun but he never even let chan hug him and they had been friends for their whole lives.

chan came back after a while with the things he went to get, the bucket was full of luke warm water and had a cloth, he put the bowl on seungmin's makeshift cardboard table next to his bed in case he had to throw up again. minho changed seungmin's position, having him lean over the bed a little, he grabbed a cloth and dipped it in the water, moving seungmin's hand again as he started to wash his face and neck. being caring felt weird and minho and chan didn't like it but they knew that they didn't have a choice in this situation.

they finished washing off his face and lay seungmin down, putting a damp cloth on his forehead. minho got up and took chan's arm, pulling him out of the room and into the basement so they could talk.

"what do we do?"

as chan spoke, they heard a sound, looking back through the door to see seungmin leant over the bed, throwing up into the bowl.

"we need to bring him upstairs." minho spoke lowly.

"what?!" chan responded, looking at minho shocked.

"he looks seriously sick, if he is vomiting this much it's really dangerous to leave him down here, if he sleeps on his back and throws up in his sleep he could choke and literally die like that. we come down here twice a day and if he is too weak to get out of bed he won't be able to use the intercom system the other side of the room if he needs emergency help."

"you're choosing to care about him?"

"of course not dumbass, i enjoy this as much as you do but put it this way, either we bring him up so we can keep an eye on him and try to care for him as best we can and bring him down here again when he's better, or we leave him and he either gets so bad we have to take him to a doctor, which you know will result in getting our assess locked up, or we leave him down here to get worse and he eventually dies and we both know how much work it is to cover up a body hyung."

chan sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"fuck you're right."

"trust me, i don't want him up there either, we agreed to keep him separate from our private life but we didn't plan for this, we don't have a choice."

"okay fine, we can use the spare room."

"is that a good idea? it's going to be really dusty."

"tell me you're not suggesting putting him in one of our rooms?!"

"where else is there?!"

"stay with him on the couch or something, i'll go clean it out, there is no way he is going in my room."

minho nodded and they both turned to go back in, stopping to see that seungmin hadn't gotten to the bowl in time and was now a mess.

chan went for the bucket as fast as possible, leaving minho to handle a now dirty seungmin.


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