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seungmin had been left in that room for what seemed like forever.

the smoke started to clear after a while and he was able to see better, it was a dingy, dark space with little to no light other than a vent on the wall with small rays of light coming through it. there was a chest of drawers over against one of the walls, but nothing else was in the room, the constant sound of the vent spinning was enough to drive seungmin insane. it smelled like stale tobacco in there and it hurt his nose, his arms ached, his wrists were being chafed raw by the rope and he had cried so much, he had no tears left.

he kept thinking he could hear footsteps, he thought he heard so many voices too, he didn't believe it when he heard actual footsteps. the door lock clicked open and the two walked in, closely followed by their dog.

minho was holding a small bag that he dropped next to seungmin, he took out a knife and grabbed the gag harshly, making seungmin flinch as he used it to cut the material and take the gag out. seungmin clenched his jaw since it had been aching stuck around the material.

minho grabbed a bottle of water, taking the cap off and holding it to seungmin's mouth.

seungmin kept his lips shut, his face stuck in a glare.

"you either take what i give you, or die of dehydration." he snapped.

seungmin looked at him in fear, shaking his head, only causing minho to glare back and stare seungmin down.

"open your mouth or i will force it down your throat."

seungmin closed his eyes, starting to cry again as he slowly parted his lips. minho put the bottle to his mouth, tipping it, allowing seungmin to drink. he was rough with it, knocking it against seungmin's teeth making him pull away, causing water to spill down his shirt.

"what did you do that for?!" minho snapped, looking at him.

"y-you hurt m-me! "

"think yourself lucky, you've got it easy."

"h-how the fuck is this easy?!"

"oooh you're getting brave doll, if you want to keep raising your voice at me, be my guest but trust me, your tone will change when you're in unbearable pain."

seungmin shut his mouth, the look on his face told him that minho definitely wasn't bluffing, he didn't know what these men were capable of.

"you're lucky compared to other hostages."


"am i not speaking clearly enough?"

seungmin lowered his head, hating how degrading and mean he was, he already felt stupid and pathetic.

"we have other people kept here."


"we get a kick out of it," he replied sarcastically "have you ever killed anyone?"

seungmin started getting scared again as he shook his head fast.

"you're missing out, it feels amazing." minho smirked and chan chuckled.

seungmin gulped, starting to think about whether they'd kill him or not. he really didn't want to die.

"dont look so scared, we're not going to kill you unless you're disobedient." chan spoke, looking at him.


"ask less questions."

seungmin closed his mouth, he didn't dare disobey them now that he knew his life depended on it. he looked over at the dog, it just was staring him down and it's eyes were just as heavy and intense as it's owner's.

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