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after about an hour on the phone, minho finally ended the call, he sighed and put the phone down, getting up from his bed, he left his room and started walking down the hallway, his head snapping up when he heard a sound, a sound like... moaning?

he stopped outside chan's bedroom door and put his ear to it, he heard repetitive sounds and chan's groans mixed with more moans which he could only assume to be felix.

he was pissed.

that wasn't part of the plan, chan had indulged himself in taking felix without minho knowing about it.

truthfully he would've liked to have some involvement but of course chan being the possessive, selfish person he is kept it behind minho's back. he crossed his arms as he glared at the floor, listening, he couldn't help but listen, felix was making such cute sounds, he could hear his small gasps and moans, whimpering in between them, it was so insanely endearing.

he couldn't help but get aroused as he listened, he imagined how gratifying it must feel for chan to make felix feel good, especially knowing who was in the room right opposite, and even more knowing how beautiful felix actually is. he wanted to do that, he wanted to feel that satisfaction, that power.

but of course, chan took it for himself, now minho was aroused, jealous and annoyed. he could imagine what chan was feeling and he wanted it, he wanted it too, he wanted to dominate someone, he wanted to hear them moan for him, he wanted to make someone whimper and beg, he wanted to control someone, he wanted to reduce them to weakness and obedience just with his touch, he wanted to feel powerful and in control, and most of all he wanted to get rid of what was forming in his jeans as he listened to felix's perfect little moans.

if he couldn't have it from felix, he would take it from someone else, getting rid of his arousal, satisfying himself with that feeling of power, and getting back at chan for playing with seungmin without telling him.

he went back to his room, opening his drawer, he was annoyed but he couldn't wait to get back at chan and indulge himself in the feelings he craved, he knew his target would give in to him.

he took out a small square packet and a small tube and left his room, holding the keys as he stopped outside seungmin's room, quietly unlocking the door.

he pushed it open and looked at seungmin lay on his bed, his arms tied over his head only made it better, he had never thought about it sexually when they tied seungmin up to keep him quiet when they had someone over, but looking at him now was just more welcoming.

seungmin looked up from the screen of his dvd player.

"m-minho? what're those noises?"

he must've heard felix moaning, but he was sure seungmin would be reacting differently if he knew who it was. it only made it better to know that seungmin could hear his friend moaning and had no idea who it really was.

minho closed the door behind him, smirking slightly as he slipped his hoodie off.

"what do you think it is?"

seungmin watched him, he wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary but he had a weird feeling that minho was planning something, especially since chan wasn't there and he remembered what he had said after he confronted seungmin about what chan did with him.

he had an idea of what minho was planning and half of him wanted to push him away and resist, but the other half of him wanted to feel that euphoria again, that amazing feeling he got from chan, he wanted it again, to feel so unbelievably good.

minho started walking towards seungmin, his eyes scanning over him.

seungmin suddenly became very concious of his attire, his t-shirt that was resting at his hips because his arms were tied over his head, showing his lower half in just underwear, he gulped softly as minho kneeled onto the bed, leaning down to seungmin and moving his hand to grip his jaw.

"you're going to do exactly as i tell you, understand?"

"wh...what're you going to-"



"good boy... remember what chan did to you?"

seungmin blushed red.

good boy.

he wanted to be called that more, he liked the way it felt to be praised, it sent warmth to his stomach. he nodded slowly.

"im going to make you feel better than that, what he did was pathetic compared to what i can do, just stay quiet and behave for me."

"u-untie me, please? "

"but you look perfect like this, all tied up and vulnerable, i can't wait to ruin you." minho whispered lowly.

seungmin gulped, he was getting nervous, he didn't know what to expect or what was coming, what did he mean by ruin him? his breaths sped up and he let out a small whine.

"y-you're not going to hurt me right?"

"shh, relax baby."

seungmin melted. that name made him feel weak, he gripped onto the rope binding his wrists, looking up at minho. he felt nervous but excited at the same time, not knowing what was coming made it almost better? the adrenaline was coursing, he had no idea what was happening, what was coming or what minho was planning, he just had to trust him, he was going to feel good, he couldn't help but lean into minho's words and touch.

"we're going to have fun, okay darling?"

seungmin nodded a little bit as he looked at minho, gulping again as he tried to relax, he watched in pure curiosity as minho lifted his thighs, spreading them slowly.


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