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after chan left, seungmin could stand by the window if he had the energy, he wondered what he would be able to see, he wondered if he would be able to see the trees and grass, maybe a road and cars, he could count the colors of the cars he could see, he could count the trees and watch the clouds, he could watch the birds too. he could think of so many ways to entertain himself.

he finished the soup like chan told him to, he was still struggling, he felt so cold but he was sweating so much, it was so overwhelming and confusing. his legs hurt a lot, they hurt more when he kept them still he didn't know what was wrong with him, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, getting the water bottle and sipping it.

"you need to make sure you drink a lot too."

seungmin nodded softly, he felt so disgusting and weak, he didn't like this at all.

chan collected the container and bag and stood up, leaving the room. seungmin stared impatiently at the door, he waited until he heard the locks before he threw the cover off him and trying to get out of bed. he stood up, having to hold onto the nightstand as he stumbled towards the window, forcing his legs to carry him. when he got to the window he closed his eyes, moving in front of it.

he counted to three and opened his eyes, gasping softly as he looked at the outside world for the first time since he was abducted.

the sky looked so blue, and he could see down into their back yard, they had trees there and the greenest grass, the leaves looked pretty shades of red and orange and yellow, that meant it was autumn. he could see a real road and there were cars on it far away, he could even see people too very faintly. he completely forgot about the pounding in his head, his sore throat, his nausea and his achy body as he watched the cars drive up and down the road in the far distance. he could see the white fluffy clouds, his face was stuck in a smile as he looked at the birds flying around in the sky, he wanted to be a bird, he could go wherever he wanted and do whatever he chose.

he looked at the field a little way away from the house, he imagined running through it, not looking back. he imagined his legs being strong enough to carry him through it to the other side.

the other side.

what then?

where did he go after running through the pretty field?

his smile slowly faded, he stared at the other side of the field and sighed. he leaned his hot forehead against the cold glass. he didn't want to run in the field anymore, because he didn't know what came after it.


over the next few days he spent in that room, it became seungmin's favorite thing to do, standing at the window and watching the world the other side of the glass.

but he couldn't do it by himself anymore, his sickness got worse and worse, he couldn't keep a meal down and his head got so bad he couldn't sit up without feeling dizzy and light headed. if he wanted too look at the window he had to ask chan or minho to help him and they almost always said no.

chan and minho couldn't look after him well, they were in his room more than they were out of it, they didn't know what to do as he slowly got so sick he couldn't move.

minho was getting ready to go out while chan got seungmin's breakfast ready. minho was going to the hospital to ask someone for advice on what to do with seungmin. they couldn't take him to a doctor, it was too dangerous so chan opted to stay home with seungmin while minho searched for answers.

seungmin whimpered quietly as he felt a wave of nausea, he could hardly move his body as he tried to grab the bowl, he leaned over, throwing up immediately as he tried to hold the bowl steady. he had leant over so fast he almost fell out of bed, his arm shook trying to hold himself up as he heaved.

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