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seungmin had been laying on the floor for over a day, they hadn't brought him food or water, and he couldn't move, the only nutrients his body was clinging to had been thrown up.

he stared at the ceiling, he needed to hear the footsteps, then the lock on the door. he hated it but he needed help. he needed their help to move but his body was too weak. he didn't want their help but he needed it, everything hurt, his body and his heart. he felt so alone and empty, he missed so much but he didn't know what, he couldn't miss felix because it hurt too much, he missed home but he was always alone there, he missed the park a lot, he missed the cute little dog he saw. they had a dog but he wasn't cute or friendly, he missed the comforting scent of home, he could vaguely remember it and he wanted desperately to bury his face in his pillows and breathe in that familiar scent. he was so weak, mentally and physically, he wanted to just go to sleep and never wake up again, he couldn't take this. he wanted to rest peacefully so badly, but his body hurt whenever he tried to move, it was torture being lay there.

he let out a small sob when he heard the locks, he still could not move no matter how hard he tried, he tried to lift his head, his muscles strained but he couldn't, tears stung his eyes as he looked up at the door as it opened.

minho was the first to walk in, he looked down at seungmin as chan walked in too. minho leaned down and crouched next to him.

"this is what happens when you disobey." he spoke softly.

seungmin just started to cry, he felt the overwhelming need for help, trying to lift his arms, he hated feeling that need, that stupid dependency.

minho lifted seungmin under his arms, pulling him onto the bed, he lay him down, draping the blanket over his cold body. seungmin was trembling and whimpering.

chan moved forward, looking down at the boy, seungmin tried to back away from him, scared of being hurt.

"don't be scared of me."

seungmin hated it, he was scared of him, how could he not be? chan hurt him, he almost killed him, he shook his head until chan held up a bag.

"i know you're hungry, do you want food?"

seungmin nodded frantically, trying to get to it. his stomach hurt so badly, he didn't care what it was, he needed it. chan put it down on the table and cupped seungmin's face.

"say you're sorry."

seungmin was immediately shocked by himself but he couldn't help but melt into chan's touch. he hated how much that comforted him in a weird backwards way, how soothing his hands felt against his cold skin, it felt so warm. he leaned against the touches, knowing that he must've been craving touch and affection so much that even when it came from the people that were hurting him so brutally, he still needed it. he sighed softly, knowing he would say whatever he had to in order to be fed.

"s-sorry." he whispered.


"i'm s-sorry.. s-so sorry." he cried, going weak from the touch.

"you need us."

seungmin looked up at him, the way he felt when chan touched him was just adding to the dependency. he knew this was bad, he could start needing it too much, only falling deeper into their twisted intentions. but he couldn't deny it anymore, he couldn't do something as simple as survive without relying on them for food and water. he closed his eyes and tried not to focus on his cheek against chan's hand.

"say it, say it and you get to eat." minho spoke from next to chan.

chan brushed his thumbs over seungmin's cheeks, rubbing them gently. seungmin couldn't hold back, he started to cry harder, melting into weakness, the touches were too much, so overwhelming that he swallowed his pride.

"i need you." he whispered, defeated.

minho and chan felt more satisfaction than they had so far, looking at how weak and submissive seungmin was.

he started to cry even harder when chan moved his hands away.

"do you want to eat or not?"

seungmin nodded again, sniffling weakly as he looked at the bag. chan opened it and took out a container of soup with a plastic spoon. he took the lid off and looked at minho.

minho moved seungmin to sit up against the wall, pulling his body until he was in the right position. chan picked up some soup on the spoon and held it up, watching seungmin eagerly open his mouth.

seungmin tried to calm his sobs as chan fed him a spoonful of soup. it was cold but he didn't care, nothing had ever tasted so good, he closed his eyes tightly as he ate, trying to savour it as much as possible. it felt like the best thing he had ever eaten. chan took out a piece of bread too, holding it to seungmin's mouth. he bit into it, even his jaw ached but he didn't care, he ate as best he could.

minho sat back and watched chan feed seungmin, he enjoyed the boy's vulnerability, he couldn't help it, something about the power he felt when he so easily made seungmin cry was satisfying, he didn't feel bad, not at all, seungmin felt different from the other hostages, usually they hated whining and crying so much they would punish over it, but when seungmin cried it was empowering.

they didn't intend on telling seungmin what their intentions were at all, that would ruin the fun.

minho watched as seungmin ate fast, almost frantically, sniffling in between each bite as chan fed him. seungmin couldn't get enough, he swallowed down every bite, hoping the next one would come faster.

he looked up at chan as he was fed, wishing he would move a little faster as he was feeling hungrier for more with every bite but he didn't say anything. he was too scared of him to be brave enough for that, he was thankful he was being fed at all.


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