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"this is disgusting." minho complained.

he went to seungmin and put the blanket over im so he didn't have to come into contact with what was on him. he then made seungmin look at him, a deadly serious look on his face.

"you're coming upstairs, if you try anything you know i won't hesitate to punish you, got it? you do exactly as i say."

seungmin nodded fast, he didn't care, he wasn't even excited to be going upstairs. he needed help, he needed to wash, he needed a drink, clean clothes, he wanted to sleep, if he got all of that he didn't care what they told him to do. minho sighed and lifted seungmin up, scrunching his nose up.

seungmin was humiliated, he was now sweating more than he thought possible, covered in vomit and shaking, he knew it was disgusting but he couldn't help it.

"looks like i'm going to have to clean him up while you clean the room."

chan nodded as he picked up his things in the box, sighing. they really didn't want seungmin upstairs, it was so risky, they didn't think they would ever have to.

minho started to carry him out of his room, feeling him limp in his arms as he started up the stairs.

seungmin was a little curious, he had never been up there before and been able to see it, he suppressed his coughs while he was this close to minho. he squinted as the doors upended and the bright lights made his head hurt.

but wow.

he didn't know what he was expecting but their house looked really modern and clean, he wanted to keep his eyes closed but watched as he was carried through a room and up another set of stairs, his neck was already hurting from holding his head up, he sniffed a bit as he rested his head on minho's chest to release the neck pain.

he was immediately hooked, it felt so strong and warm, he could faintly hear a heartbeat too. he was actually surprised minho had a heart, he didn't think that anyone with a heart would do what they were doing but he closed his eyes, only for a rude awakening when he was abruptly put on his feet.

he opened his eyes, almost falling over, his legs were so weak and painful, he just stood there visibly shivering but sweating so much his t-shirt was damp. he felt faint and tired, everything hurt and his throat felt raw and painful as he watched minho turn on the shower.

seungmin hoped he would get to have a real shower, he couldn't really do it well in his state but he had been wanting that so badly.

minho stayed silent as he locked the door, coming to seungmin and starting to take his clothes off, seungmin had had this done many times so it didn't bother him much, he just needed to be washed badly. minho kept a deadpan face as he lifted seungmin into the bathtub, sitting him down. he took the shower head off the wall, testing the heat before he put it over seungmin's body.

despite seungmin's current state, he felt like he had died and gone to heaven.

warm water.

he closed his eyes and felt the warm water over his body, it wasn't too warm since he had a fever but his body was cold so it felt warm on his skin, he tried to let himself relax, sniffling a little, his nose was stuffy and his head hurt so it was really hard to let go of all the tension on his body.

"the steam will help clear your nose." minho mumbled.

seungmin just nodded. he was surprised when minho started washing him properly and wetting his hair, he then put the shower head down and rolled up his sleeves, grabbing a bottle from the shelf, he put some in hand, lathering it up, seungmin could smell it, he really hoped it was shampoo, his hair would smell so good, he always had to wash it as best he could with water.

just as he had hoped, minho started washing his hair. he didn't know where this was coming from but he was going to let himself thoroughly enjoy this treatment while it lasted.

minho washed his hair and started to rinse it out, he didn't really care if soap went onto seungmin's face but the younger managed to keep his eyes closed so that it didn't go in his eyes.

in the other room, chan was mumbling complaints to himself as he dusted down the surfaces in the spare room, it was fairly big and the bed was bigger than seungmin's, with a proper comforter. he had dusted everything down and changed the sheets on the bed to older ones that were clean and not dusty, but it wouldn't matter if seungmin threw up on them. he put seungmin's few belongings in the room too then went to the closet, he had a few tools and spare locks that they hadn't used, so one went on the window to keep it closed.

luckily, they lived in a pretty remote area and the window of this room was at the back of the house, only showing the back yard so even if he went to the window nobody would see him anyway.

he then got to screwing the other two locks on the outside of the door to lock seungmin in for nightimes, despite the fact that seungmin could hardly stand up, he still didn't trust that seungmin's will to escape wouldn't be stronger than his illness if given the chance.

when he was done he went to the bathroom, knocking on the door.

minho had lifted seungmin out of the bath and given him a towel to dry off, he had fallen over immediately as he was put down so seungmin was now sat on the counter. minho was stood in front of him, using scissors to cut his hair. he didn't really know what he was doing but it wasn't a priority, he trimmed his hair so it didn't cover his eyes before washing the scissors and cleaning up the hair on the floor.

he then got to wiping over any surfaces that seungmin would've touched when chan knocked on the door. he turned and unlocked it, letting the door open and chan walked in, leaning against the frame.

he looked at seungmin who was now clean but still trembling, sniffling and surpressing coughs.

"are we going to put him in the same as normal?"

"i think no clothes would be better, he is sweating and has a fever but his body is freezing, it's best to just put him in underwear and let him come in and out of the comforter when he needs it."

chan nodded and walked to seungmin, he naturally flinched, not sure what chan was going to do, he was lifted up and carried cross the hall to the spare room, chan sat him on the bed as minho went to get underwear for him, he came back shortly after and put them next to seungmin.

minho was also holding something else, he turned it on and put it on the nightstand. it was a baby monitor so they would be able to hear if he had a bad coughing fit or threw up again. seungmin managed to drop the towel and pull on the underwear, he was weak and exhausted, but he had just enough energy to look forward to laying in this bed.

double update to make up for not posting last night

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