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when seungmin was separated from chan and minho, he felt like a piece of him got taken away too.

he sat in the back of the police car with his face buried in minho's hoodie he was wearing, taking deep, frantic breaths of his scent.

he was driven to a hospital where he refused to get out of the car, shaking and sobbing in fear, they had to physically pull him out of the car with him kicking and struggling against them.

he was put on a stretcher, a female doctor coming out to him. she approached him carefully, showing a warm smile.

"hello, my name is dr yeon, can you tell me your name?"

seungmin was panicking from the way the police officers aggressively handled the situation, he almost felt the need to cling to her gentleness.

"s-seungmin." he whispered, shaking uncontrollably.

"are you kim seungmin?"

seungmin nodded shakily, looking around fast.

"where am i?!"

"hey hey, it's okay," they started pushing the stretcher into the hopital "you're safe here, we're in the hospital and i'm going to do some tests to make sure you're okay, i need you to stay calm for me seungmin."

seungmin shook his head, crying harder as he was taken into a hospital room and towards a bed, now in there with the doctor as well as a male nurse.

"we're going to stand you up and get you into a hospital gown okay?"

seungmin didn't know what was happening or what was going on, he was in shock and scared out of his mind. she came to him and helped him stand up.

"can you put this gown on while i wait outside seungmin?"

she left the gown on the bed, leaving the room.

seungmin pulled at his hair, rocked himself, dug his nails into his arms. he was terrified of chan and minho getting into trouble. he knew what they did was wrong but he didn't care, he loved them. his mind was spinning and he felt like he couldn't move, he took a shaky breath, mumbling to himself as he started to pull the hoodie off, he took his sweatpants off too, his hands shaking as he pulled on the hospital gown, sitting on the edge of the bed, scratching at his arms. he looked up as the door opened.

the doctor walked in, coming towards him.

"good, now i need to do some checks on you seungmin."

seungmin shook his head when she went to take minho's hoodie.

"no!" he yelled.

he grabbed it from her and hugged it against him, gripping onto it like his life depended on it. she looked at him, a little shocked, but nodded slowly, moving his other clothes aside.

"okay seungmin, you can keep that, just put it down on the bed okay? i won't touch it."

seungmin shook his head fast, clinging to the hoodie, burying his nose in it, breathing in minho's scent.

"right, we'll work around it, can you sit up on the bed for me?"

seungmin did as he was told, clinging to the hoodie.


felix's eyes widened and he dropped the phone on the floor, shattering the screen, but that was the last thing on his mind.

he grabbed his keys and ran out of his apartment faster than he ever had, he couldn't drive but he wasn't going to wait around for a bus, seungmin was found.

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