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he had to keep it to himself of course, he didn't doubt that minho would get mad if he talked back or said something rude, even if he was sick he knew he wouldn't hesitate to take his food away either. he sat himself up, his eyes feeling heavy and his head hurting as he looked at minho, he was a little surprised that it wasn't bread in front of him, but it was porridge.

"that won't be so dry on your throat."

seungmin really felt awful, he wanted to go back to sleep and ignore him, but his stomach was hurting and he needed something to eat, he rubbed his eyes, nodding a bit. he reached for the container but minho pulled it away, looking annoyed.

"you could thank me." he snapped, glaring at him.

"thank you." seungmin responded quickly, seeming impatient.

"do you want it or not?"


"then lose that fucking attitude, be grateful."

"okay, i am grateful."

minho rolled his eyes and handed it to him with a spoon, standing there. seungmin didn't care. he wasn't thankful at all.

why should he have to be thankful?

food isn't a privilege it's a basic human right, he ignored his annoyance, he would say whatever he had to in order to be fed.

he started to eat, the change in meal was a welcome one, he was so used to bread in the mornings that this plain porridge was greatly appreciated, he looked up as he slowly swallowed a mouthful.


"working, he won't be back until later, after you've eaten tonight so you won't see him today."

seungmin looked at the door. whenever he saw the one without the other it felt really strange, almost unsettling to not know where the other man was. they looked different but acted similar, like twins, he wondered if they were related.

he thought back to finding the year book, minho's family name was lee and chan's name was bang, so they weren't related. he thought about their families, he wondered if they even had families, seungmin really did struggle to view the men as people, real people.

to him they weren't normal people, like the waitress at a restaurant or the cashier at the conviniece store. they were real people, real people with compassion, humanity and kindness. to seungmin, minho and chan were just two mean kidnappers that took his freedom away from him for no reason, no normal person would do that.

he was deep in thought but he was pulled out of his thoughts when minho snapped his fingers in front of seungmin's face.

"hurry up and eat."

seungmin felt the urge to roll his eyes but he resisted, he did not want to see minho's response to that kind of disrespect. not that chan or minho deserved his respect anyway.

he tried to hurry up without making himself sick. he was never fed much so his stomach couldn't hold a lot, but the porridge was really filling for some reason and seungmin really struggled with the last few bites.

minho took the container when seungmin was done and put the lid on, handing him the water. he took the cap off and took a few sips of water, then putting it back on.

minho took a small container out of the bag too containing two of the pills, he handed them over and seungmin popped them in his mouth and swallowed each one down with water. minho then took the empty water bottle off the nightstand and turned to leave, walking out and locking up behind him.

somehow they never failed to lock him in, just once he wished they would forget but they never did. he looked up at the ceiling, bored already, his head was pounding and his throat was a little less sore but still painful, he hoped the painkillers would kick in soon and he could get some relief.

there were definitely positives for being sick like this, like the room he got to stay in, the real bed and the fact he got to look outside. it was like a form of torture now that he couldn't get out of bed on his own because he could see the light pouring through the window but he couldn't go and look out of it, there were a lot of negatives too, those were self explanatory.

seungmin looked down at his fingers, playing with the hem of the blanket, he wanted something more to entertain himself, like a radio, or something to play music, or even a dvd player, he used to have netflix at home but with netflix came internet access and he knew for a fact they wouldn't let him have that.

he imagined being able to lay in bed and watch movies when he was bored, that would be so much more entertaining than what he had. he loved to read but it got boring and he couldn't be fully entertained by that for hours and hours of the day, he tried to remember his old favorite movies.

he couldn't think of any titles, he remembered a show he had been watching, he didn't remember where he got up to or the plot but he wondered if he would ever get to finish that show.

he sighed and rested his head back against the headboard, it was really painful to not be able to think of the place he considered home.


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