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seungmin looked up, he could hear voices.

"i don't know how to fix your laptop hyung, since when have i been good with technology?" the stranger laughed.

he listened to the voice, he seemed so relaxed, he heard chan laugh too. that was a first. how did he act so casual when he knew exactly what was happening downstairs?

it was then that seungmin came to the conclusion, not only were they sadistic, evil, had no compassion or care, no empathy or sympathy, no humanity, but they were also exceptionally good liars. he was able to hide what he was really involved in amd trick his friend into thinking nothing was happening.

he also figured out that they must be so casual because they knew they would be able to lie their way out of it even if they got caught.

minho opened the door and took seungmin inside, he closed it as quietly as possible, he took seungmin to the bed and lifted him onto it.

seungmin couldn't move because of the rope painfully hurting his wrists, minho took it off and pulled seungmin's hands up over his head, tying his hands to the headboard instead, seungmin looked up.

he didn't like this, feeling restrained and his movement limited. he knew it was because there was a risk he could hit the walls or punch them or grab the monitor, when his hands were tied harder and tighter than necessary, minho picked up seungmin's hoodie from the floor and used the sleeves to tie his ankles together, it was the best he could do but he didn't want seungmin kicking the wall too.

he put the blanket over his legs so his movement was even more limited. he leaned over and grabbed seungmin's jaw hard, mumbling.

"behave and you might get rewarded, scream or make a noise and you better pray you have all nine lives." minho whispered.

seungmin was shaken to his core, the threat and agression in minho's voice made seungmin scared to even think about making a noise. he simply nodded fast.


hyunjin had been their friend since high school, he stopped by at random times to see them and hang out. he was there to see them because he had just finished dance practice with his other friends, he liked the company of chan and minho because they were so sweet to him.

seungmin hated it, he disliked being left there while all their attention was on hyunjin. he stared at the door, if they were holding him captive and not letting him do anything the least they could do was give him attention.

he didn't know why he felt so jelaous, he didn't want to but he did. he wanted them to focus on him, or it felt like he was here for nothing. he really didn't have any intention on doing anything, now that he had heard how calm and relaxed chan was around hyunjin despite what they were doing to him, he knew they would be able to lie their way out of it even if he did manage to get a few hits or a yells in, and he didn't want to risk being punished.

it felt like they were gone for hours, he could hear voices so he assumed they had stayed in chan's room.

he remembered what minho said about being rewarded, he wondered what that would be. he wouldn't mind a new book, or some clothes, or maybe even the dvd player he had thought about and some movies.

he really hoped thats what his reward would be, things like those motivated him to stay quiet and wait, and when he got bored and impatient, he just imagined himself curled up under the blanket watching a movie, the boredom washing away.

that sounded amazing so he lay still and tried to focus his mind.

he started counting the seconds that went by, getting reminders of when he could count the time in his little cell, he didn't miss that room at all, he didn't even know how long he had spent in the cell, he had been tied up in this room for about half an hour and he was wondering how in those months he hadn't died of boredom.

he figured he spent most of his time crying over felix, and his home, and his life before this. all of that just felt like an imaginary world now. before, he wanted nothing more than to go back to it, but now he couldn't see himself doing that, chan and minho became part of his every day routine, morning and evening meals, tormenting and teasing when they felt like it, that was seungmin's normal, and anything other than that seemed weird and foreign.

his arms were aching but when he rested them the rope rubbed at his skin and it hurt so he had to hold his arms up, he was overheating under the blanket but it was up to his waist and tucked under, he had tried to squirm out of it but the bed creaked and he stopped moving immediately, not wanting to make a noise. it was getting painfully boring and uncomfortable now an hour had passed.

he heard footsteps which got his hopes up, then hyunjin's voice.

"what's this room? why so many locks?"

seungmin froze, they were stood outside of his room, his eyes narrowed. any other person would yell for help or make noise to catch their attention and try to get freedom but seungmin wasn't thinking that way, he didn't want hyunjin near his room, this was the only space that was his, when he was alone in here was the only time he had control over what he did and what he said, he felt empowered in this room and he wanted hyunjin away from it.

"oh, we are doing some renovations in there and minho's friend came over recently, they had a kid and he wanted to explore so we put locks on here so he couldn't get in, you know, can't be having kids breathe in that dust and stuff." chan shrugged.

"ahh, i see, what renovations are you doing?"

"we were thinking of a game room but that room had to move stuff around and build somethings, it's also working as a storage room for now."

"that sounds so cool, i'd love to have a game room."

they kept talking as they drew hyunjin's attention away from the door, seungmin was shocked, how did they come up with that on the spot and not even remotely sound under pressure? even seungmin believed them for a second.


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