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this is the only warning you'll get for smut, if you're not comfortable with smut for this book, skip it because i would rather that than have comments saying how uncomfortable it makes people, that just makes me want to take it down all together but in terms of plot, this chapter is important

seungmin's head was all over the place, he didn't know what to say or how to react, all he knew was that the way chan was running his fingers up and down seungmin's thigh was making him feel things, he closed his eyes and focused on the light tingling sensation he got on his skin where chan touched.

he felt chan move away a bit, reaching under the bed before coming back up, he went back to pulling seungmin's shorts down, stopping at his knees.

seungmin's cheeks were bright red and getting redder as he clung to the front of his shirt, keeping it down over himself as he gasped softly, feeling chan's lips land on his neck.

his eyes fluttered closed as he involuntarily tipped his head to the side, wanting more of that. chills raised on his skin and he got a warm tingly sensation all over his neck, heat was stirring around in his stomach and he gasped again, his thighs automatically clenching together when he felt the result of chan's light delecate kisses under his shirt, he looked down at himself in shock.

no way.

no way was he getting this aroused this fast. he let out a small whimper, not knowing what to do, chan wasn't stopping there, he had trailed his kisses down to seungmin's shoulder.

"i told you i could make you feel things, and i've hardly touched you."

how did he know? surely he didn't know what was happening under seungmin's hands. if he knew that would be painfully embarrassing. he was so confused, but one thing he did know was that chan's lips on his neck felt good, chan moved him to lay on his back, moving down to kiss seungmin's collarbone.

he felt chan's hair tickling his nose and he couldn't help but move one hand up into it, tangling his fingers in chan's hair, his eyes staying closed as his small breaths got faster, he couldn't help it, he pulled himself back, trying to stop himself, he was getting roped in, getting so caught up in chan's warm lips, it felt so good.

he felt chan move his hand, taking seungmin's hand guiding it back into his hair, his other one slowly nudging seungmin's free arm aside, that would leave him exposed, his arousal would be very visible without seungmin covering it and he was embarrassed.

"show me what i do to you darling."

seungmin closed his eyes tighter.

"m' e-embarrassed." he breathed in reply.

he started stumbling over his words as chan's lips glided over a particularly sensitive spot on his neck.

"let hyung see."

seungmin was giving in faster than he should be, it was embarrassing how fast he melted into their words, he took a breath and moved his hand away, the outline of his arousal showing under his shirt.

chan gave a small smirk and lifted up the t-shirt, biting his lip.

"already huh?"

seungmin covered his face fast, clenching his thighs together.

it was so intoxicatingly humiliating, he was so embarrassed about being exposed like this but he couldn't tell chan to stop, he didn't want him to stop, it didn't matter what he was thinking, his body was craving more.

he gasped, his eyes widening when he felt chan touch there, he was draghing his finger up and down seungmin's erection, smirking at him.

seungmin shuddered, his hips immediately rolling up without seungmin's permission as he let out a small whine.

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