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seungmin was reluctantly getting used to the vague routine, they came to his room usually every day, but they would leave him alone for a few days if he did something they didn't like. it was painful being held there, but he clung to a glimmer of hope every day because when he did good, they rewarded him. they seemed to think of a wash as a reward instead of the bare minimum but seungmin didn't care, he would always be doused in cold water and scratched up by a harsh cloth but it was a lot better than sitting in dirty clothes.

it had been months now, though seungmin couldn't remember, and he was lay in bed. it was pitch black in the room, he somewhat looked forward to night-time as it was his only time of peace, he rarely slept well enough to dream but it was the only time he could relax, since the last time they washed him and he squirmed too much, they hadn't let him wash at all. his bed smelled bad, his body smelled bad, his clothes did too, he felt disgusting and he hated it, there were empty water bottles on the floor and the whole room was disgusting.

he tried to shut those things out and closed his eyes, he wanted to sleep so badly, he needed that small escape from his dark little cell. it took a long time as normal but eventually, his eyes drooped and he let himself fall asleep, curled up in a ball for warmth.


seungmin woke up abruptly to the door swinging open, he hardly got a glimpse of anything before a bag was pulled over his head. he froze up and panicked, instinctively letting out a scream. he felt a hand clamp over his mouth through the bag as he was hauled out of bed.

he was so scared, this hadn't happened before, he was half asleep and dazed, having no idea where he was or what was happening, he was pulled off the floor and carelessly thrown around, he felt the person holding him start walking.

he struggled relentlessly, so many questions in his mind. was it chan or minho? was he being saved? was he being kidnapped from his kidnappers? was he going to die? were they done with him and taking him off to kill him?

he struggled harder, being dragged and hauled around, he was surely out of his room now, he couldn't see anything, or hear anything, the rapid thrumming of his heartbeat in his ears was loud enough. he just cried out and screamed under the hand that was covering his mouth until he was suddenly thrown, he hit the floor hard.

he heard a slam right after then silence, he lay on the floor where he was carelessly discarded and trembled, sobbing uncontrollably, he couldn't see or hear anything, he didn't know where he was or what was happening to him. he was too petrified to move a muscle.

he lay there for what seemed like hours, his arm went numb under him and his leg was cramping up, he hadn't heard anything the whole time he had been there, he slowly moved his trembling hands to the bag over his head, lifting it off with caution.

he got even more scared, realizing that when the bag was off his head he still couldn't see, it was completely dark and this only scared seungmin more.

he tried to straighten out his leg but couldn't, it hit a wall, he tried to shift back to allow his legs room but he couldn't do that either, another wall.

he froze, lifting his hands to feel around, from where he was sat he could feel four walls. he started to panic, he was in a tiny room, more like a little closet, he suddenly felt overwhelmingly claustrophobic.

he reached higher, feeling around for a door handle, his hands touched it and he gripped it hard, starting to shake it, pulling on it to get the little door to open. his breaths sped up as he made no progress and he started to cry and yell out.

"help! s-someone!"

he covered his head, feeling like the walls were closing in on him, he felt so small and vulnerable, he tried to control his breaths but they only seemed to get faster. he couldn't breathe, he felt like there wasn't enough air in the room, he wanted his little room again, it was small but he had space to at least stretch his legs, he hated the cell he was kept in but for months it had been all he had seen, it was his space and he wanted it back.

he kicked the door.

"p-please! i-i'll behave! please!" he screamed.

he had been so obedient recently that he almost felt betrayed, he had done everything they told him, he didn't argue or talk back, he couldn't figure out why he would be thrown in here. he put his hands over his head, kicking harder against the door.

he got tired after a while of kicking and yelling, falling back against the back wall and breathing fast, tears pouring from his heavy, tired eyes as he lay on the cold floor, scared and alone.

it felt like more hours had passed and seungmin's body was urging him to sleep but he couldn't, he didn't know where he was or why he was there, he was trembling and crying on the floor, curled up in a small ball to protect himself. he was breathing so fast he felt light headed, he didn't know how long he had been in that tiny cupboard for but he wanted to get out, he never thought he would desperately want his little cell back, but he did.

"p-please!" he called out weakly, his voice cracking and wavering .

seungmin's eyes widened when he heard a lock on the door come undone, he was curled up in the corner, his body heaving from crying so hard. he looked up to see chan and minho.

"p-please l-let me out." seungmin whimpered.

chan scoffed and leaned down, grabbing seungmin's arm and pulling him up but seungmin's legs felt weak and shaky.

they said nothing and started to pull seungmin along down the hallway, this just made seungmin more confused. this was the first time in months seungmin had been out of his room, he didn't know where he was or where they were taking him now, he tried to take in his surroundings but the blinding lights hanging in the corridor in contrast to the lack of lighting in his little cell made it difficult.

they stopped in front of a big door, he was a little confused as they opened it. inside was a shower on the wall, it didn't look very luxurious but seungmin didn't care, he hoped he would finally get to wash. chan shoved him in and looked at him.

"clothes off."

seungmin started to take off his clothes. he didn't care in the slightest about being shy now, it had been weeks since he last got to wash and he didn't hesitate. minho started the water and took the shower head off the wall.

chan pointed at where he wanted seungmin to stand and he moved there, wiping his cheeks with the back of his hand. he was exhausted and in pain but the idea of getting to wash gave him the motivation to stand upright and do as he was told.

minho turned the shower to send the water over seungmin. he tensed up and gasped, it was freezing cold like normal but he tried to bare it.

he balled his fists, starting to shiver under the water as they picked up the dreaded rags. he tried not to react as they began to wash his body, just as careless as usual about the material leaving red marks on his skin.

he only whined ocassionally but otherwise stood still while they washed him. this time chan grabbed a towel from the bench in the corner, coming back over as minho turned off the water. he started to dry seungmin's body off as he whimpered, the towel was just as rough, if not more so than the cloth.

he did squirm a tiny bit but managed to stay still as he was too tired and in need of rest to resist. he was just hoping he would be taken back to his room after and not back to that dark little closet.

he bit his tongue and endured the harsh towel before minho came with a clean set of clothes, the same as before, a black t-shirt with shorts.

except this time there was an addition to the pile, socks.

normally seungmin would not be very enthusiastic about socks, but he couldn't help but smile when he thought about the painful stinging of the harsh cold on his feet in the room, and how that would now be reduced. he complied when they started to dress him, a small, weak smile stuck on his face when minho slipped the socks onto his feet, he missed that a lot and they felt warmer already.

chan took his arm hard as always and started to pull him towards the door, he opened it and pulled seungmin out.

seungmin didn't care that he was being dragged and pulled along, he was too busy looking down at his socked feet on the concrete floor.


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