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felix opened the little container, tipping two pills into his hand, popping them into his mouth and drinking down a few sips of water.

he looked at his reflection in the mirror, tearing up a little as he put the medication away, unable to look at himself. he felt sick every time he looked at his reflection.

"i'm so sorry minnie... please come home." he whispered, unable to help but start to cry.

he pulled his sleeve down over the cuts and scars littering his arm and sunk down onto the bathroom floor, holding the bear he got seungmin when they were in high school, stoking the soft fur.

missing seungmin was hard enough, but about six months after seungmin disappeared, changbin broke up with him because he had spent so much time focusing on seungmin. he missed changbin so much it hurt, he loved him more than anything and he still did. he desperately wanted to cuddle into his strong arms and fall asleep listening to his heartbeat. he felt so empty and broken without them and he was barely holding on.

"seungmin please come home... i love you." he whispered into the soft material of the bear, staying in the corner on the floor.


seungmin was woken up from his sleep by minho shaking him a bit, he had never slept so deeply in his life, what had happened the night before had left his body relaxed and tired and he slept through the whole night without moving around much, he slowly opened his eyes, looking around a little.

he locked eyes with chan for a second, seeing the triumphant smirk spread across his face, seungmin's cheeks flushed pink, he got an intense feeling of embarrassment, immediately covering his face when he remembered what he let chan do to him before.

he had expected to deeply regret it but he didn't, he was embarrassed about it because chan had seen him moaning and squirming for him, he thought he had given in too easily and they would tease him for it.

when chan turned away, seungmin and minho both noticed the scratch marks on chan's shoulders. did he do that?

"chan, what's that?"

seungmin froze as minho went over, looking at the marks.

"no idea." chan shrugged, playing innocence.

minho hummed and raised his brow, his eyes scanning over the marks left on chan's skin, he glanced over his shoulder at seungmin.

"anyway, chan you go make breakfast, seungmin and i will catch up with you."

chan chuckled lowly, nodding as he walked towards the door, leaving seungmin with minho.

minho looked at seungmin, raising his brow as he pointed to the floor in front of him, he was standing next to the closet. seungmin gulped softly and walked to where minho was pointing, getting nervous. he didn't know whey he was nervous but minho looked serious.

he stopped in front of him, looking up at him slightly awkwardly.

seungmin gasped when minho grabbed seungmin's waist and pushed him against the closet door, pinning him there. his eyes widened as he looked at minho in confusion.

"did you think you and chan could get away with that without me finding out?"

seungmin froze.

minho didn't hear did he?

if he had heard that was painfully embarrassing, he had tried to stay quiet but it was so hard to hold it in. he really hoped minho was just messing with him.

"you gave in pretty quickly to him didn't you?"

seungmin whined in embarrassment and broke eye contact, looking away from minho quickly.

"don't be like that, you had no problems with being embarrassed in front of chan."


"did you think i wouldn't hear you? you weren't exactly quiet."

seungmin kept his eyes away from minho, his whole face was burning red from humiliation, he was still in just his shorts, trying to ignore minho's hands gripping his waist.

"i have to admit, you sounded cute."

seungmin only got redder, now it wasn't from humiliation, it was from an actual compliment, there was nothing more appealing to seunmgin than a compliment from them, he bit at his lip, feeling butterflies in his stomach.

"i wonder if i could make you moan louder than he did." he whispered.

seungmin whined and covered his face, he couldn't stop getting flustered when minho talked like that, it was so embarrassing but he had to admit it was hot. he remembered how good he felt the night before, he would be lying to say he didn't want to feel that again. it was so euphoric, he snapped himself out of it, he shouldn't be doing those things with minho or chan, he shouldn't be letting them touch him like that but it felt so addictive he couldn't help it.

"think about how annoyed chan would get if he heard you moaning for me instead of him, hm? you left those marks on him didn't you? did that feel good? to leave marks on one of us?"

seungmin kept his face covered. he was so hot and red he couldn't look at minho, it was too embarrassing. but it did feel good, to be able to see a mark he made on chan, but it wasn't enough, seungmin wanted something too, he thought about one of them leaving a mark on him, the thought made his knees feel weak, it made him suddenly lean into minho's touch on his body, he really liked the thought of that.

seungmin fought it off and pushed those thoughts away but it was hard, he didn't know what minho was going to do, that made him slightly nervous.

"hm, just wait."

seungmin wasn't sure what he meant by that, he looked up at him.

minho just took his wrist and started pulling him out of the room, he stumbled behind minho, his legs feeling weak from being tired and now flustered as he followed behind minho.

he was surprised when he was pulled past his room and to the stairs, but he definitely didn't complain. he stayed quiet, trying to stay on his feet as he was pulled down the stairs, concentrating on not falling down them.

he suddenly breathed in an amazing scent, it bacame clear what the scent was when he was taken to the kitchen to see chan stood at the counter, cooking eggs, sausages and bacon in pans.

seungmin stood where minho left him, staring at the food. it looked so good his mouth started watering, his stomach tensed as he suddenly realised how hungry he really was, the sizzling sound it was making was so appealing, he couldn't remember the last time he had bacon and eggs and sausages, he had been stuck with the same meals for months.

he hoped and prayed that they would let him have some, even just a bite, a tiny bite. he would do anything to taste what was causing that amazing smell.

minho looked at seungmin and smirked to himself, both him and chan plotting something.


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