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felix stayed in the room with seungmin, eventually holding him again, helping him to clam down. he looked up as the doctor came in with a police officer.


seungmin looked up from felix's arms, shrinking back from them.

"we need to ask you a few things."

seungmin shook his head immediately, holding onto felix tighter.

"it'll be really qui-"


felix rubbed his back carefully, holding him.

"he's in no state to answer anything right now, please let me take him home with me." felix replied quickly.

"he can't leave here, he's going to have to stay a few nights so we can monitor him."


"i found burn scars on his arms, we're connecting that to either abuse or self harm and if he's been through a traumatic event which he likely has, we need to monitor his behaviour."

"i need to at least stay with him."

"we don't usually allow it, can you confirm seungmin's age?"

"he's twenty."

seungmin lifted his head, staring at felix with wide eyes, when he was taken by them he was seventeen... had three whole years passed and he didn't even know it?

"because he's legally an adult, we don't usually allow people to stay with them-"

"i'm not leaving him here alone."

"-in this situation however, i think it's in his best interest to stay close to you."

"thank you."

"is there any way you can find out as much about what happened to him as possible and report?"

felix nodded slowly, rubbing seungmin's back.

"great, we will provide food for you both in a few hours."

"can he get something now? he needs to eat."

felix could hardly look at how skinny and weak seungmin was, it broke his heart.

"we can bring him some food, i'll handle it myself." the woman said quickly.

"thank you."

the doctor and the police officer then left the hospital room, leaving seungmin to cling to felix.


chan stared intensely at the table as he was asked endless questions about his involvement with seungmin.

"what is your relationship with lee minho?"

"he's my best friend."

"where did you meet?"

"in middle school."

"and what is your relationship with kim seungmin?"

"he was a friend, more recently a love interest."

"and what about minho's relationship with seungmin?"

"the same."

"so you're both romantically interested in seungmin?"


"is he interested in one of you? or both?"


"and do you have a romantic relationship with minho?"


"how did you meet seungmin?"

he had to try and think of something that both minho and seungmin were likely to think of too, he knew he and minho thought very similarly, but seungmin would be panicking and freaking out and would probably say the first thing that came to his mind.

"we met him at a dog park near his house."

"and how often did you see him after that?"

"only when we went to the park."

"right, now we have cctv footage showing seungmin being abducted from his apartment by two men and loaded into a van on the the evening of may fourteenth three years ago, can you confirm who these men are?"

chan took a break, preparing himself to continue lying.

"that is minho and i."

"that is you and minho, abducting seungmin?"


"explain it."

"it looks bad, but seungmin asked us to..."


"seungmin struggled badly with mental health issues, he told us that he feels like he's putting too much pressure on his best friend felix and felix's relationship... he told us he needed to get away and start over, he knew that minho and i have a large house and money and he asked us if he could come to us and start over... he didn't want to just leave because he was scared of hurting felix so he told us to stage a kidnapping..."

"and you went through with it?"

"we wanted seungmin to feel safer, he begged us to do it... so we did."

the man began writing a few things down.

"has seungmin been in the house with you the whole three years?"


"where was he kept?"

chan picked up on an attempt to catch him out.

"he wasn't kept anywhere, he had a bedroom and lived with us in the house."

"how often did he leave the house?"

"he chose to stay there most to be safe, he left a few times with us, twice to go for a drive to get some fresh air, and once to the store today when we were pulled over."

"what was your plan for seungmin eventually if you hadn't have been caught today?"

"we didn't talk about a plan, we were focused on helping seungmin get better."

"how did you and minho feel about abducting seungmin?"

"we didn't want to do it at first, we were scared of getting caught and people misunderstanding, but seungmin begged us to do it, he couldn't stay there anymore."

chan battled through endless questions, managing to pick up on attempts to catch him out, he put in as much emotion as possible, desperately confessing his 'love' for seungmin whenever he could, he ended up starting to believe himself after a while.

he found himself wanting to see seungmin, wanting to hug him and comfort him, wanting to make sure he was okay.

"please, i'm tired, i want to see seungmin."

"you're tired how?"

"i can't answer more questions, we would never hurt seungmin, we took care of him, we held him and loved him, we protected him, you can ask him yourself, we did everything we could to care for him."

"we'll stop the interview for now. both you and lee minho will be kept in separate cells until we have enough information."

"how long will it be?"

"it could take a few days, it could take a few weeks."

chan lowered his head, looking down at his hands still cuffed together.

the interviewer stood up, joined by an officer to escort chan to one of the holding cells for the night.

thank you to those of you who joined my live and showed support, it meant a lot to me

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