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when seungmin woke up, he had never been so thankful.

he was thankful that he was knocked out immediately because he had no idea what had happened to him, all he knew was that he was in extreme pain. he was on the floor of the cell, lay on his side. he couldn't open one of his eyes, it was swollen and throbbing, his stomach hurt and his head hurt worse than it already did.

he tried to move and immediately yelped in pain, he could move his head a little bit to look down, he saw blood staining the front of his sweater, his breaths were fast and laboured, the unbearable pain shooting through his body was too much, he wanted to pass out again, he looked up at the door, his eyes welling up with tears.

he started to cry softly, unable to move any part of his body.

"h-hyung." he whispered.

he should be mad that they let this happen to him but he wasn't. all he could think about was them coming back because if he needed comfort at any point it was now, his head was spinning and he was fully convinced he had never felt so much pain in his life.

he wanted to go back to his room, his bed, his bear, his window, his clothes, his blanket, his books, his movies, his hyungs.

he closed his eyes, curling up a little more. everything hurt so much, he didn't want to be on the freezing cold floor, he was scared of being in here, he had so many bad memories, he wanted to go home, this wasn't his home, the walls, the high ceiling was torture, he wanted home, he had never wanted to come back here ever again.

it felt like he was left there for hours, laying in excruciating pain on the floor, aching for chan and minho.

he could hear nothing other than the ventilator whirring. he sobbed on the floor, not knowing what to do, he could only pray that they hadn't left him there.

he widened his eyes when he heard the lock come undone but he froze, still terrified it was ilsung, he heard footsteps over the sound of his blood rushing in his ears, then the door close behind whoever it was.

"holy shit." chan whispered.

neither of them knew why it hurt them to see what ilsung had done, seungmin had bruises littered on his face and arms, a swollen bruised eye, a busted lip, he had blood staining the sweater.

seungmin realised it was them and started to cry. minho walked closer and knelt down next to seungmin.

seungmin was so confused, he didn't know what had happened to him or why, all he knew was that he wanted minho and chan and he wanted to go home.

chan came down too, watching seungmin sob uncontrollably, his cries making his stomach tense, only making him cry harder. chan moved his hand to cup seungmin's cheek.

"shh, it's okay puppy, try to relax."

seungmin looked up at him, crying as he leaned into chan's hand, he felt minho lift up the sweater, sighing. he had bruises scattered all over his body, as well as what looks like marks from ilsung's belt, he had burn marks on his arms as if ilsung had used a lighter.

they didn't know why anger, hate and guilt was hurting both of them. they couldn't keep being mean to him, especially not right now, seungmin was in a critical state and he couldn't handle more anger or violence.

chan carefully lifted seungmin's upper body onto his lap, giving minho a better angle to look at everything, he looked at chan.

"what do we do?"

chan looked down at seungmin who had his face buried in chan's shirt, sniffling and crying into it, gripping it tighter as if he was terrified of them leaving him there.

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