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seungmin heard them get home as he looked up, he was halfway through the second movie and he wasn't that bored this time, but he was hoping they would untie his arm now, it was going numb.

chan headed up after helping minho carry the bags inside, unlocking the door and walking in.

seungmin looked up at him, wriggling his arm a little. he was relieved they were back so he could get his arm out.

chan went to him and untied it, letting it down and watching seungmin rub his wrist. he pressed pause on the movie.

"stand up."

seungmin did as he was told and stood up, rubbing his wrist. chan grabbed it and started walking to the door.

seungmin was a little confused, he used the bathroom already this morning so he didn't know where he was going.

chan took him downstairs and into the kitchen where minho was pulling the blinds down so nobody could see through the kitchen window.

"you want this?" chan held up the bear.

seungmin's eyes lit up and he nodded fast, lifting his arms.

"ah ah," chan held it up out of the way "you help us put the groceries in the cupboards first, understand?"

seungmin nodded eagerly, he really wanted that bear, it looked so soft and cuddly, his little button eyes and stitched smile was adorable.

minho looked at him and pointed to the soda packs.

"take those out of the packs and put them in that mini fridge." he instructed, pointing to the smaller fridge on the counter.

seungmin was eager to earn that bear, he started to rip the pack open and take out the cans, opening up the mini fridge and putting them in.

both chan and minho started to unload things too, they weren't really paying attention to seungmin. of course seungmin kept his guard up but it felt weird for them to trust him enough to not run.

seungmin didn't even pay attention to his surroundings, he was too focused on his task, he did think about trying a soda though, maybe he could sneak one under his hoodie and keep it in his room to have later, he considered it deeply before shaking his head. he couldn't risk getting caught.

minho came over and seungmin finished putting away the soda looking at minho as he put some more things on the counter.

"they go in that cupboard."

seungmin nodded slowly and focused on doing well, he started putting the things in the cupboard. he looked at what he was doing, reading the labels of the cans of soup, so this is where his food came from. he stacked them in the cupboard and then the other things they had in cans.

chan tugged on seungmin's arm when he was done, pulling him to the fridge.

"put the vegetables in that drawer."

seungmin nodded and started to do as he was told, it was cold standing in front of the fridge but he didn't complain, he put the vegetables in the drawer and wondered why he never saw a nice salad. it was annoying, he wanted to steal the food but he knew that was pushing it. the fruit bowl was next to the fridge and seungmin seriously considered swiping an apple or a banana while they were distracted but he didn't, that was too risky.

when everything else was packed chan pointed to the things left on the counter, a body wash, a shampoo, a moisturizer, a face wash and a small lip balm, seungmin looked at them as chan put the bear with them.

"those are yours take them to your room."

seungmin gasped and looked at them.


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