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seungmin couldn't reign in his emotions, he was so overwhelmed with what was going on, everything was exploding in his mind and body.

he was being held against chan's chest, the man's hand firmly over seungmin's mouth, minho close enough so he could still smell that intoxicating scent, it was so frustratingly attractive, he had never seen himself being into men, but he couldn't deny how much this made heat stir in his body.

his legs were literally giving out, he leaned back against chan, his knees felt weak and unstable, he was going to literally drop to his knees and that was about the worst thing that could happen. he could only look up at them pleadingly, silently begging for them to end their fun and let go, he was almost trembling he felt so overwhelmed.

chan kept a hold of seungmin, moving him to sit on the bed, he stood over him, letting go of his mouth but pulling his head back by his hair, minho came to the bed too, leaning down and moving his hand onto seungmin's cheek.

it was like they could read his mind, they knew how much that scent had an effect on him, and they knew about how much he was wanting to avoid their touch, so they were doing everything they could to break seungmin's spirit more than it already was.

his guard was down and seungmin was already weak, this was tipping him over the edge, he felt desperate, he didn't know what for but he needed something, he couldn't think, his mind was everywhere. he was leaning against minho's touch, feeling fire ignite on his skin where he was touching, his skin craved it, needed it.

this was so infuriating, but so ethereal. it was so overwhelmingly frustrating but so good. he was intoxicated, it felt like a drug, their presence, their attention, their touch. he needed it, his eyes watered as he looked up at minho.

he accidentally slipped fully into weakness when minho simply ran his thumb over seungmin's cheek, that small gesture took the last of his resistance, they had full control. he couldn't fight off the urge to do exactly as they said.

"there it is, you're so weak, aren't you?" minho whispered.

seungmin only choked on a small whine, he wanted to say no but he didn't have the power to lie to himself.

something deep inside him was screaming no, but it was like a new side to seungmin had taken over.

"he is, look at him." chan smirked, tugging on his hair.

seungmin gripped the blanket under him, squeezing it.

"aw, look at his thighs clenching." chan mused, looking down at them.

seungmin didn't even know that he was doing that.

aw, he said aw, did he think seungmin was cute?

he wanted to be cute, he wanted to be cuter. he couldn't do anything, he wasn't even thinking properly, he only looked up at them.

"so vulnerable and... submissive." minho whispered that last part.

thats exactly what he was.

he got chills all over his body, this needed to stop but seungmin just couldn't bring himself to want it to stop. more.


his body was screaming for more.

"i haven't seen him this weak."

chan gave a smirk and tugged on his hair again.

"you need us right now, don't you?"

seungmin couldn't respond, he did need them, he needed them so badly, he hated every second of this, not what they were doing, but because of how much he liked it.

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