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minho looked at him, it was getting out of hand, he mouthed to chan who just nodded. minho got up and left the room quietly, he didn't know what was wrong with him, but the way seungmin responded, had a small feeling in minho's mind.


he didn't realize seungmin would react like that, he had expected him to just get weaker, not burst into tears and cling to them like he would die if he let go.

they couldn't let seungmin hang off them so he had to do the next best thing, he went to the cupboard and took out a spare set of his own bedsheets, he also picked up one of chan's hoodies. he didn't want to be nice, but he knew there was no way seungmin would cope in his room alone after this without them based on the way he was acting with chan.

he went to seungmin's room and started stripping the sheets, putting his own sheets on the bed that smelled like him, he struggled to do it on his own but he managed, mumbling small complaints under his breath.

he left chan's hoodie on the end of the bed, as well as going to his own room, they had bought seungmin the dvd player he wanted after checking there was absolutely no way he could access the internet. they intended to break seungmin down again then put him in his room to suffer, then give him the dvd player the day after.

he figured if they were going to put seungmin through that much pain at once, whether they meant to or not, the lest they could do was give him his real reward a little earlier.

he opened the box and plugged it into the outlet behind the nightstand, leaving it there, there was an empty shelf across the room and he put a pile of about four dvds on top of that for seungmin.


seungmin couldn't calm down, the longer he held onto chan the more frantic he got.

this didn't feel like a reward at all, it felt like emotional torture, he knew they were sadistic assholes that took pleasure in his pain but he didn't think they would put him through this much of it. he had no idea that chan and minho hadn't meant for this at all and that seungmin's sobs had actually made them both question themselves.

he had been clinging to chan for twenty minutes already and his body was getting tired, the constant sobbing was exhausting. he felt like he needed to sleep but he forced himself to stay awake, scared that if he let himself fall asleep they would be gone when he woke up.

chan had sat silently the whole time, seungmin was half on his lap and his face was buried against his neck but he stayed still, thinking.

seungmin was literally gasping for air, he couldn't breathe he was crying so hard.

"you need to calm down." chan spoke slowly.

it was rare that he was at a loss for words but he didn't know what to do or say, he hadn't prepared himself for this.

seungmin registered his voice as another thing to be drawn to.

"need you!" seungmin cried, digging his nails into chan's shoulders.

chan tensed up, it hurt but he couldn't bring himself to get angry, he definitely didn't care about seungmin, but it didn't take compassion for him to know seungmin wouldn't be able to handle verbal or physical abuse right now.

"okay, okay, you need to take a few deep breaths, you can stay close to me for now."

for now.

that was the only part seungmin registered, for now wasn't good enough, it wasn't long enough, he felt home, he wanted thay forever.

he started to cry harder.

"please... home."

that was all he could say, his mind was too focused on chan to be able to put anything into words.

chan looked down at him confused, this wasn't working, he wasn't going to calm down. he looked up as minho came back and he acted immediately, he lifted seungmin up in his arms, carrying him towards the door. this was the only option, seungmin was too overwhelmed and weak to be reasoned with.

seungmin had no idea what was happening, he only knew when minho tore him off chan and he was taken into his room. he started to cry hard again, shaking his head fast, he gripped onto chan's arm, desperately trying to keep hold of him.

he was pulled onto the bed and they tried to get him to let go but seungmin wouldn't. he shifted closer to chan and tried to hold onto him, then minho, unable to stop crying.

"no no no no please... please." he cried, his words coming out in a jumbled mess between fast breaths.

"let go seungmin."

"i-i can't please! please!"

there was so much pain behind his voice, chan managed to get seungmin's hands off him and went to the door, getting ready so the second minho was free of his grasp they could run out and leave seungmin inside.

minho threw seungmin's hands off him and ran for the door and faster than he thought possible, seungmin was alone again. he sobbed as he got off the bed and ran to the door, pulling on the handle, they got the locks on the door, leaving.

seungmin yelled and cried, hitting and kicking the door, he didn't care about the changes in his room, home was gone, it was gone faster than it came.

he had never felt so hurt, he beat on the door as hard as he could, sobbing uncontrollably.

"please!" he choked out as his hits slowed down and he lost his fighting spirit.

the exhaustion kicked in and he slowly sunk to the floor, hugging himself for some kind of relief.

"i...i need you!" he cried out, crying harder.

his body was shaking, he felt so much pain it was unbearable.

he heard the monitor across the room.

"go to sleep seungmin."

seungmin ran to the monitor, grabbing it with his shaky hands and hugging it.

"please, please come back." he sobbed.

this wasn't a reward, this didn't feel good, he was more hurt than the day he was taken. they had turned the monitor off and seungmin dropped it, tears flooding his face, he felt so lost and alone again.

he pulled himself up onto the bed, the scent hit him, minho's scent on the sheets, he got into it faster than he ever had, burying his face in the pillow, crying continuously, it wasn't the same, he needed that feeling to come back.

"need you. please please come back... please." he cried into the pillow.

this hurt him so much, he had been craving home, the feeling of security and safety and he finally felt it, and they just tore it away from him. he wanted them, more than he had ever wanted anything.

he couldn't keep himself awake, he eventually wore himself out with his helpless, uncontrollable sobs and he cried himself to sleep.

my updates are so sloppy and out of time, i'm sorry for that

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