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they ended up having hyunjin leave after a few hours and immediately went upstairs, they were both surprised that they didn't hear a single sound from seungmin.

they unlocked the door and walked inside, seungmin perked up a little at the sight of them, he had been so bored, he was tugging slightly on the rope despite the pain, desperate to get them off.

"you really wanted to be rewarded huh?" minho mumbled, looking at seungmin.

chan leaned down and started to untie his hands, seungmin breathed out as the rope loosened and he could slip his hands out, he rubbed his wrists gently, then moving his hands to pull on the gag, wanting it off.

chan started to undo it while minho un-tucked the blanket and untied his legs, they pulled him up and looked at him.

"what are you thinking for a reward?"

seungmin didn't have to think or hesitate.

"i want a dvd player, the ones where i can put movies in it."

chan raised his brow, that came a little out of nowhere, they would definitely have to look into it to ensure there was no way he could access the internet at all.

minho was smirking, looking at him.

"well, my bed is free but if you want a dvd player thats fine too."

he acted casual while seungmin's mind almost exploded.

were they serious about that?

he had really thought they were just messing with him, would they actually let him do that?

he wanted to do that, he wanted to be held and hugged, he hoped that it would make the pain go away and he would feel safe momentarily, he knew they wouldn't hug him so he had hoped that the scent and the sheets and the blanket over him would feel like a hug.

he didn't say anything for a second he just looked up at them both, slightly shocked.


"what? you want a dvd player?"


"i-i," minho mocked him.

there was no way they would just let seungmin lay in their beds, not unless they could get some fun out of it. they had every intention of doing so, they liked making him weak, they enjoyed getting him worked up and confused about how he felt, then leaving seungmin alone to crave them more.

but most of seungmin's desire had been stuck on minho with his scent and body, so chan had a few ideas to get seungmin just as worked up over him, having him think about one of them was fun, but having seungmin unintentionally lusting after both of them would be even better. they just had to think about the power they would have they were hooked on the idea.


seungmin was quickly getting annoyed, four days had passed since hyunjin came by and he was waiting on a reward, he hadn't seen a dvd player or a chance to go with minho like they said. he was getting annoyed and starting to wish he had made a noise while hyunjin was there.

he stared at the clock as minutes went by, he was waiting for them to come to his room, it was about this time they would come in for whatever reason, to check he needed the bathroom or bully him a bit.

it was about the time that the lucky people who weren't being held hostage would be eating lunch, he looked at the door as footsteps neared it and put on his facade, he would be obedient and good like they wanted and go about this in a way that would benefit him. they unlocked his door and walked in, both of them smirking.

okay he wasn't so confident now, what was that expression for?

he just watched as they walked into his room, looking like they were planning something, they stood in the middle of the room, staring at seungmin.

"here." minho pointed at the floor in front of him.

seungmin cautiously stood up and walked towards them, not knowing what to expect, when a situation was unpredictable seungmin got anxious, he would put up his guard and stay tense, he stopped in front of them.

"don't look so scared dumbass." chan scoffed, looking him up and down.

that was stupid, how could he not be scared? he didn't reply, holding in a sly comment, thinking it instead.

you're so right, i shouldn't be scared of the pair of assholes that hit me and yell at me for even breathing the wrong way.

he held his tongue as they looked at him.

"ready for your reward?"


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