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"please? you said if i admit it i could stay with you." seungmin whined, as he was sat on his bed.

he had showered and gotten ready to go to bed but his own bed wasn't where he wanted to be.

"what if i don't want you there?"

"you promised."

"i didn't say i promise."

seungmin stared at the floor, glaring as he held his bear on his lap.

"pleasee?" he whined.

"no, you're clingy and annoying."


"don't even try."

seungmin looked up at minho, whining again.

"please please please? you can use me if you want to, please just let me stay with you."

minho was a little surprised, he gave seungmin a look.

"why're you such a brat?"

"you promised."

"i didn't."

"you won't even know i'm there."

"i seriously doubt that."

"please hyung?" seungmin pouted.

he figured acting cute would be a good shot.

"hyung? you're pulling that card?"

seungmin gave him puppy eyes, he felt stupid but he didn't admit to being minho's bitch to not get something out of it.

minho sighed and rubbing his head.

"get your ass in my room, if you piss me off you're out."

seungmin smiled and got off his bed, quickly leaving his room and going towards minho's.

chan looked at minho and smirked.

"aww, minho hyungie went soft."

"do you have a death wish?"

chan laughed and headed for his own room.

minho walked into his room, closing the door and looking at seungmin sat on the edge of the bed.

"i'll be quiet a promise."

"no you won't."

minho sighed, he was too tired to listen to seungmin's whining, he pulled off his shirt and tossed it into the corner, getting into one side of his bed, sitting against the headboard and looking at seungmin.

"turn the key in the door."

seungmin got up and did as he was told, leaving his bear on the bed, minho looked at it distastefully and rolled his eyes.

minho put his hand out for the key when seungmin came back over. he the put it in his phone case, opening his phone and staring at it.

"get in and stay still and quiet."

seungmin nodded, smiling a tiny bit to himself as he went to the other side, getting into the bed. he lay down and hugged his bear, getting into a comfortable position on his side quickly so he doesn't annoy minho.

minho scrolled through his phone for a while until he got tired, slipping his phone under his pillow and laying down on his stomach, crossing his arms under the pillow.

seungmin stayed still for as long as he could but soon his arm was going numb, and it was cold and his leg felt weird in this position, he tried to move the tiniest bit but it didn't help, his fingers were numb and he was getting pins and needles.

The Devils On My Shoulder | ChanHoMinWhere stories live. Discover now