Ch. 1 - The Curse

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George woke up alone in his London flat, the sun had just begun to set, causing his room to be lit in a beautiful array of orange and pink lighting. sadly, this went unnoticed by George, being colourblind made sunsets far less enchanting.

Instead, George stared at his suitcase in the far corner of the room. He had finished packing it earlier that morning. George tossed his legs over the edge of the bed and felt the cold wooden floor hit his feet. He shivered, already missing the warmth of his bed. George walked over to his luggage and took out an outfit for the day. He wore a Supreme t-shirt with a pair of black pants and threw on Dream's hoodie for extra comfort. He made his bed and did one more walk around the flat to make sure he wasn't leaving anything behind.

With a sigh of content passing through his lips, George grabbed his phone, keys and luggage and left his home for the last time. He met the landlord lady outside and handed her the keys. She smiled and wished him good luck in America. George thanked her for the stay and hopped in his uber.

He decided to give Dream a quick text so that he didn't think George died in the 10 hours he would be MIA, since it was going to be a surprise. They had planned for George to come on the 18th of September. But George had decided to overwhelm them with his presents a week early! Not because he couldn't wait any longer, but because he wanted to ruin Dream's grand idea of what their meet-up should look like. George had known Dream for five+ years but had yet to see Dream's face. George could not understand Dream's stupid logic as to why, but for some dumb reason, Dream refused to do a face reveal without George standing right in front of him.

Did Dream want it to be some romantic movie scene? They weren't even dating! And had no plans to! Unless... "Okay, stop!" George scolded himself. He and Dream were just friends. And just because Dream happened to flirt with him the most out of all his friends, and has a soft voice reserved only for George. Didn't mean he liked George like that. It was all perfectly platonic!

At least that's what George told himself every time he felt butterflies in his stomach well talking to his long-distance best friend. George decided to shove those thoughts to the very far corner of his consciousness. Hopefully to never see the light of day again.

George pulled out his phone and sent Dream a quick lie. The first thing that came to his mind.

                 Dream >

  I'll be busy with my family for the next few days.

  Want to spend as much time with them before

  I go! So if I'm a little slow answering you, that's

  why! :]


George wasn't expecting a reply since it was like three in the morning for Dream. He decided to let Sapanp know too.

                Sapnap >

                 I'm hanging out with my family for a

                 couple of days so DON'T spam me!!!!

                                                                 Read at 10:43



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