Ch. 27 - I love you

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George stared at Dream softly, "I-" The words seemed to be stuck in his throat. Could he really do this? He looked into Dream's warm lovely eyes. He had to do this. George took a deep breath and pushed down the feeling of butterflies in his stomach, "I love you, Dream."

Dream's whole face light up, "I love you too!" Dream wrapped his arms around George's waist and lifted him up and twirled him around. "You did it, George!" George hung on to Dream tightly, wrapping his legs around Dream's waist so that he didn't fall into the water. George started to laugh, he thought it was cute how Dream was so excited.

"Okay, okay! Put me down!" George giggled.

Dream listened and gently put George back in the water. "You said it, George! You said it! You love me." Dream beamed. He let his hands run through George's soft, wavey, hair. being careful not to hit his cat ears... Wait a minute. "George?" Dream asked confused.

"Mhm?" George hummed as he let himself enjoy Dream's touch. He was surprised he hadn't started purring yet.

"George, your ears," Dream suddenly spun George around, making George nearly fall face-first into the water, but Dream's hands quickly caught him, "Your tail!"

"What?" George asked confused and slightly grumpy.

"George, you're tail and cat ears are gone! George, you're a human again!" Dream laughed. "You're back to normal!"

George felt his head, then tried to grab his tail, but nothing was there! He jumped out of the hot tub and run inside to look at himself in the mirror. He stumbled into the bathroom and flicked the light switch on. He studied his reflection. No cat ears and no tail. He was himself again! He watched as hot tears rolled down his slightly sunburnt cheeks. He was free, he could finally be himself again!

Dream walked into the bathroom behind him and wrapped his arms around George's waist and let his head rest on his shoulder. They looked at each other through the mirror. Dream smiled, "And all you had to do was say you love me." He teased.

George puffed up his cheeks, "Whatever, I literally hate you." And just like that, George turned back into a cat. He looked up at Dream with the most annoyed look on his face.

Dream started wheezing, "T-that did not j-just happen!" He doubled over laughing. George rolled his eyes in annoyance.

The front door opened, "We're home! Time to stop having sex!" Quackity yelled through the house. George left Dream in the bathroom and wandered over to his friends, "Meow!" Welcome home, idiots.

Sapnap looked down, "Why hello there, Prince." He mocked before yelling, "Dream! What the fuck did you do to George again?! Why is he a full-on cat?!"

Dream appeared from around the corner, "It's not my fault! I swear!" He laughed out.

"Is that true, George?" Sapnap asked.

George shook his head, No. It's entirely his fault, for making me hate him. George turned around and stuck a tongue out at Dream. Dream matched it with his own.

Quackity laughed, "You two are so immature."

"I'm bored!" Karl whined as he stood in the hallway.

"Yeah, what should we do?" Quackity questioned as he looked over at Dream.

"Why are you looking at me? I have to go help George change back. Why don't you guys watch a movie or something?" Dream suggested as he picked up George and started petting him.

"Let's watch a horror movie!" Quackity suggested excitedly.

"I'm not so sure about that..." Karl looked worried.

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