Ch. 33 - George's Birthday

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Dream woke up with George in his arms, he smiled and kissed the brunette on the forehead. "Good morning, love." He hummed.

George groaned and hide his face in Dream's chest. "I'm not getting up," he muffled into Dream's shirt.

"George, Do you know what day it is?" Dream rubbed circles onto George's back with the palm of his hand.

George looked into Dream's eyes and quickly pecked him on the lips, "It's my birthday so let me sleep."

Dream smiled at the sleepy boy wrapped in his arms. "But I have so many things planned, and it's Karl and Quackity's last day with us." Dream frowned.

"But I'm tired," George whined.

"I'll give you ten more minutes, how about that?" Dream reasoned.

"Give me an hour and we'll call it a deal."

Dream rolled his eyes, "George, you're being unreasonable. You have ten minutes and that's it! I promise you'll love what I have planned. I'll go make us breakfast. What do you want?" Dream required.


"You're such an idiot. What do you actually want?"

"Apple juice and McDonald fries." George cuddled closer to Dream and closed his eyes.

"Are you being serious?" Dream questioned.

"Yes, now let me sleep." George yawned.

"Okay, but you're going to have to let me go so I can get you your food." Dream started to untangle himself from George.

"Noooooooooo! Don't leave me! You're so warm and comfy." George complained.

"Well, what do you want me to do? You want your food, right?" Dream sat back down on the bed.

George huffed, "Your so annoying." He pushed Dream back down in the bed and laid on top of him, curling himself into a little ball, he then grabbed Dream's phone and handed it to Dream, "Just order it online."

"But I could just drive and get it myself. It will be cheaper too." Dream pointed out.

George rolled his eyes, "Oh my god, Dream. You're a millionaire. It doesn't matter. Plus you're not thinking about the whole picture. Sure, you could go and get it yourself and save five bucks, but you'd come home to a grumpy boyfriend. A grumpy boyfriend on his birthday. Is that worth five bucks?"

Dream shook his head, "No."

"That's what I thought, now be a good boyfriend and be my pillow." George wiggled around until he got comfortable and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Dream held in a laugh before he turned on his phone and ordered George and himself some breakfast. It said it would take twenty minutes to get here. Dream sighed, it would have been faster if he got it himself. But George was right, five dollars and ten more minutes was not worth a pouting George. Dream smiled down at the needy boy on top of him, how was he so beautiful even in his sleep. His pale skin shone in the morning light and his eyelashes were so long and black. His cheeks were rosy and his freckles made him look even cuter. Dream kissed him on the cheek and played with his messing hair. He was happy. George made him happy.

After twenty minutes of staring and kissing George, there was a knock at the door. Dream tried to swiftly slip away from under George but George instantly woke up as soon as Dream started moving, "Where are you going?" He asked still half asleep.

"The foods here." Dream explained.

George sat up and let Dream stand up. George lifted his arms up into the air. Dream looked at him confused, "What are you doing?"

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