Ch. 26 - Maybe we should only be friends

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"Are you sure about this?" Dream asked as he watched George stare at the hot tub.

George laughed nervously, "W-why don't you go in first."

Dream walked over to the hot tub and put the plate of chocolate-covered strawberries on the edge. He pulled his shirt over his head and got in. "This is already so warm, how long have you had it turned on?" Dream wandered.

"Half an hour," George answered plainly. He slowly made his way over to the hot tub and let his hand run through the hot water.

"Hey, you're touching it, that's progress!" Dream encouraged.

George took a deep breath before sitting on the corner of the hot tub and swinging his legs over. His body shivered as he entered the heated water. He closed his eyes and slowly lowered himself down until the water was up to his shoulders. He tried to calm his pounding heart before he opened his eyes. the first thing he saw was Dream smiling fondly at him.

"You did it." Dream cheered and moved closer to George so that they were sitting side by side.

"I did." George beamed, "I'm in the water!" He giggled, causing Dream to wheeze. "Hey, don't laugh at me!" George fake whined and hit Dream lightly on the shoulder.

"You're so cuute-" Dream tried to say in between his laughs.

"Whatever," George rolled his eyes. He then reached his arm over Dream to grab a strawberry. He popped it into his mouth. "Thanks for the food, Dream."

Dream calmed down and grabbed one for himself, licking the chocolate off before eating the strawberry. "Of course, anything for you."

"Anything?" George questioned. "Would you kill someone for me? hypothetically."

Dream laughed, "Why would you ask that?"

"Just answer," George whined as he rested his head on Dream's bare shoulder.

"Well, what's the scenario? Is someone trying to hate you? Like was it self-defence?" Dream questioned.

"Let's say someone stole my food, would you kill them?"

Dream laughed even harder, "What?! No, I would not," George pouted. "...I mean, Maybe." Dream corrected.

George grinned and pulled away, eating another strawberry, "Simp." He whispered under his breath.

"Would you kill someone for me?" Dream asked.

"Um, if I had to." George shrugged.

"If you had to... ok, interesting." Dream leaned over and placed his arms on both sides of George, caging him in. "Would you say you love me if you had to?"

George frowned, "Dream, We've talked about this. Shut up and eat a strawberry."

Dream groaned but sat back down in his seat, "Why can't you say it? How long do I have to wait? Our engagement? Our wedding?"

"Woah, waoh, woah, wedding?"

Dream scoffed, "Come on, George, do you not want to spend the rest of your life with me? Because I do! I love you so much, George. I want us to stay together forever. I always have, even before we were dating, I'll always want you by my side." Dream looked at George with pleading eyes, "Do you not feel the same?"

George bite into another strawberry to give him some time to think. Of course, he wanted to be with Dream. He's always said that he would live with him in Florida forever. But getting married sounded scary. If you break up it's a lot more massing. what if they adopted a kid or a dog? what then? they would be bringing someone else into their problems. And what about the dream team? If they didn't work out it would majorly hurt their careers. George's more than Dream's, probably. George sighed, "Should we really be dating?"

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