Ch. 3 - Human or Cat?

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George slowly opened his eyes, it was pitch black in the room, with only the hall light streaming through the door crack. Geroge felt a hand laying on his back. He looked up to see Dream deep in sleep. George pushed himself off of Dream's body with his hands and sat up.

Wait! Hands! He had hands! George looked down at himself. He was back! He had legs and arms and wasn't covered in fur! He should wake Dream up and tell him! Let him know he's alright! George looked over at dream and placed his hands on his shoulder.


Dream would probably find it weird if George was suddenly right next to him in bed. And if George told him the truth, there's no way he would believe him, right? He would think George was crazy.

George gently got out of bed. trying his best to not wake up Dream. He made his way to the door and left the room, closing the bedroom door softly behind him. He decided to go back outside and ring the doorbell. Put this whole cat thing behind him.

His stomach growl. George was hungry. He hadn't eaten since his bagel that morning. Wait a minute! His bagel! That old lady! What did she say? Something about cursing? And the moon crying? Did she mention something about a feline? Did she cause George to become a stupid cat?

Whatever, it was all over now. And George can go back to his normal life. He made his way to the kitchen, a little snack before he properly met Dream and Sapnap couldn't hurt. He walked over to the fridge and peeked inside. The light from inside the refrigerator brightened up the whole kitchen. George frowned. They didn't have any apple juice. He settled for a pudding cup. He closed the fridge and looked for the cutlery drawer. He opened four drawers before he finally found it, he grabbed a spoon.

He started eating his pudding but suddenly dropped it on the ground. He felt himself shrink. He turned to see Sapanp standing in the hallway.

"What's all this?" Sapnap asked with a yawn. "How did a cat like you get pudding? Chocolate is poisonous to cats, did you know that?" Sapnap walked over and picked the pudding up off the floor. "Why is there a spoon on the ground as well? Dream can be so lazy sometimes. Does he want Patches to get sick?" Sapnap shook his head.

"Meow!" Don't tell me, I'm a cat again!

Sapnap giggled, "Why does it sound like you're yelling at me? You're so nice to Dream but mean to me. Ha, you're just like George."

I am George! "Meow!"

Sapnap frowned, "Why are you being so loud? It's the middle of the night, quiet down."

Stop talking to me is that dumb baby voice! "Meow, Meow!" George hissed.

"That's it, if you're going to keep being this loud I'm kicking you out." Sapnap scooped little George into his arms and mind his way over to the front door.

Wait, Don't kick me out! Sapnap you idiot! Put me down! "Meow!" George yelled.

Sapnap opened the door and tossed Geroge out. Luckily he was a cat so he landed on his feet. He quickly turned around and tried to run back inside but Sapnap slammed the door in his face.

"Meow!" Sapnap, you idiot! George sat in front of the door and pouted. He started pawing at the door, but nobody came. it was a cold night in Florida, with freezing wind and heavy rain. George curled up into a little ball. Trying to keep himself warm.

What was he going to do? And what was happening to him? Why was he a cat! It must have something to do with that crazy lady. What were her exact words again? Something about lingering feelings? Wait! Didn't she say something about those you love never seeing the real you and a feline will be all that they can see!

George was never one to believe in supernatural things. But here he was, a cat. He didn't really have a choice but to believe it. So if he was remembering the curse right, then anyone George loved would see him as a cat. How was he going to break this? Didn't the lady mention something about correcting the mistake? But what mistake? Surely she didn't mean the bagel? She wouldn't ruin George's whole life over that...

No, she definitely would.

George had to go find her and give her a stupid bagel! How was he going to get to the airport? He was a cat! How did he turn back to a human before? Was it because no one looked at him for a certain amount of time? Or was it because he was asleep?

George shivered as the cold wind blow past him. This was going to be a long night...

Dream woke up alone in his king-sized bed. The sun was peeking in through his green curtains. He sat up and grabbed his phone. He frowned when he noticed George hadn't texted him back. He sent him a quick 'I'm up' massage and got up. He walked over to the kitchen to see Sapnap sitting on the kitchen counter on his phone, Patches was nearby, drinking from her water fountain. "Good morning, Nick." Dream opened the fridge and took out some eggs, "Do you want me to make you an omelette?"

"Ah, no, I'm good. I had cereal already." Sapnap hopped off the counter and made his way upstairs, "I'm going to play Roblox with Karl and Quackity, feel free to join us!"

"I just have to feed the cats!" Dream shouted back. He got out an extra bowl for Prince and put tuna in them. Speaking of Prince, where was he? Dream walked back into his room and looked around for Prince. He wasn't under the bed and he wasn't in the living room? Where was he? "Sapnap! Is Prince with you?!" Dream called up the stairs.

Sapnap poked his head out his bedroom door, "Oh, Yeah, he was meowing really loud last night, so I kicked him outside!"

"You did what!? Didn't you hear about the typhoon that happened last night!" Dream rushed over to the front door. He didn't know why he felt such a strong need to protect and take care of the little white and black cat. But all he knew was the moment Dream laid eyes on it he fell instantly in love with it.

Dream swung the door open and looked down. There laid a little cute kitty sleeping. Its fur was wet from the rain and its little body was trembling. Dream's heart softened. Even though the cat just met him it was already so loyal. it stayed beside the door all night. Even in a terrible storm. He gently picked up the sleeping kitten and brought it inside. He kissed the top of Prince's head. "I'm sorry, Sapnap was so mean to you. But I got you some food."

George slowly opened his eyes, He looked up to see Dream smiling down at him. He felt his cheeks warm up. He had to get away, Dream's smile was like the sun, bright and loving but could easily burn you. He jumped out of dream's arms and walked over to Patches and his food. He glared as he looked at the tuna. He liked sushi, but just plain tuna, he wasn't so sure about.

But he was staving, George stuffed down the tuna. He must have been more hungry than he thought because that tasted like heaven! Maybe George was becoming more cat-like? That thought terrified him. He turned around to find Dream was no longer around. He walked around with his little legs and made his way over to Dream's room. His door was closed.

George pawed at it, "Meow!" Let me in, please!

He heard shuffling on the other side, the door gradually opened. Dream smiled down at him, "done with your food already?"


Dream chuckled, "You're so talkative. Come here." Dream bent down and scooped Prince into his arms. "Do you want to edit a video with me?" Dream walked over to his desk and sat down with George on his lap. Dream's smile faded as he saw George's Minecraft character on the screen, "Why isn't he answering my text? Should I call him?" Dream pulled out his phone from his pocket and called George.

No answer.

"He's not mad at me, is he?" Dream questioned with a frown.

"Meow..." Of course not, I could never be mad at you. George pawed at Dream's chest and started purring, hoping it would help calm Dream down.

Dream's soft smile returned, "George would love to meet you, Prince."

You have no idea.

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