Ch. 16 - Stress

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Dream was worried.

It had been three days since George had gotten sick and his fever had only gone up. They had tried feeding him soup or soda crackers but he could never hold them down. So not only was George burning up with a fever of 105 F (40.6 C) but he also hadn't eaten in three days! Dream was panicking, George's fever was extremely high and everywhere on the internet pointed to take him to a doctor.

But that was the problem.

George was still half cat. And there was no way Dream was letting him get taken away by some mad scientist. So what was he going to do, George didn't seem to be getting any better. in fact, he was getting worse.

"What are we going to do, Nick?" Dream asked as he entered the kitchen to refill George's water cup.

Nick leaned his back on the kitchen counter, "I don't know. He has to go to the hospital."

"But he can't, think about what they'll do to him. Doctors aren't really ones to believe in magic and spells." Dream grabbed the pitcher from the fridge and poured a nice cold glass of water.

"But what over option do we have? Let him die?" Sapnap questioned.

Dream sighed, "I'll ask George about it."

Sapnap scoffed, "Good luck with that, when he's not sleeping his delusional."

Dream looked at the floor, "Nick, I could use some encouraging words right about now, I'm worried about him... What if- what if he doesn't get better?" Dream admitted. He didn't want to think about the worse outcome but as the days dragged on the thought consumed him. How was he supposed to live without George?

Nick frowned and pulled Dream into a hug, "Hey, he's going to be okay." He patted Dream on the back. "After all he's got the biggest simp looking after him."

Dream pulled away, "Wow, thanks." He rolled his eyes, "What would I ever do without you."

"Probably cry yourself to sleep every night. You'd be pathetic without me to help you out." Sapnap smirked.

"And some people have the nerve to say you're not humble." Dream said with a deadpanned face.

"I kno-" Sapnap was cut off by George coughing to death in the background. "Your loverboy calls."

Dream glared at him before making his way over to George's bedroom. George was half sitting up in bed coughing into his elbow. He looked deathly pale, his hair was a mess from doing nothing but sleeping in bed for three days start. He was sweaty and his breathing was shallow.

Dream immediately rushed over to George's side and rubbed circles on his back, "Here, drink some water." He said as he handed him the glass of water.

George slowly sipped it. He sighed after he finished half of it. "T-thank you." George leaned into Dream and resting his hand on his shoulder.

Dream took the glass from George's hands and placed it down on the bedside table. He continued stroking George's back. "How are you feeling?" Dream placed his free hand on George's forehead. It was still blazing hot.

"Mhm." George closed his eyes and lazily tossed his body on top of Dreams. "Tired." He mumbled into Dream's hoodie.

Dream frowned, "George you've been sleeping constantly for the last three days. What are some other symptoms you have?"

George groaned, "Just let me sleep."

Dream gently pushed George off of him, "No, talk to me."

George looked at Dream with half-open eyes, "Dream!" He whined.

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