Ch. 31 - Memory

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Dream waited at George's side until visiting hours were over, but George never woke up. Dream drove back home alone. Sapnap had ordered pizza for everyone but Dream didn't feel like eating. So he went to his room and laid down on his and George's bed. Patches soon joined him and cuddled up close. Dream smiled and pet his princess.

His heart ached, he missed feeling George next to him, he missed his laugh, his smile, his warmth. Dream fell asleep softly crying to himself.

Dream woke up to his phone ringing, he slowly sat up and looked at the time, it was 5 in the morning, who could be calling him? "Hello." He said in a very tired voice.

"Hi, is this Clay Jones?" A woman asked on the other side of the line.

"Yes, who's asking?" Dream requested as he rubbed his eyes.

"This is Nurse Joy from the hospital, I would like you to come down here so we can talk about your friend George." She stated calmly.

"Is something wrong?" Dream got out of bed and started changing.

"Something like that... just be here as soon as you can."

"I'm on my way!" Dream hung up and run out of the room. He grabbed the car keys and rushed out the door. What could be wrong with George?"

The whole drive to the hospital Dream's mind couldn't stop racing, what happened, why couldn't the nurse tell him over the phone? Was George going to die????? Dream parked the car and ran into the hospital. He quickly walked up to the front desk. "I'm here to talk with Nurse Joy."

"Oh, are you Mr. Jones?" The tired Nurse asked with a yawn.


"She's in room 404 with your friend."

Dream thanked her and speed-walked down the hallway. He opened the door, Nurse Joy was sitting by a sleeping George. "You asked to see me?" Dream walked into the room and sat down beside her.

"I wanted to talk to you before I told the doctors, but did your friend have some type of surgery to become um, more cat-like?"

Dream's stomach dropped. "What?"

"I don't know how we didn't notice it when he came in but he was cat ears attached to his head, like real cat ears!" She stood up and walked over to George. "See." She pointed at George's head.

Dream looked over but didn't see anything, he sighed in relief. "What are you talking about, I don't see anything."

She looked back down at the sleeping boy, "Huh? Where did they go! I swear they were right there!"

"Are you okay?" Dream asked and placed a hand on the young nurse's shoulder, "How long have you been working?"

"twenty-two hours... But I swear he had cat ears," She thought out loud to herself.

"Maybe you should get some rest or at least sit down." Dream said in a smooth voice.

"But... I thought... Was I really seeing things?" She questioned.

Dream guided her out of the room, "Have you ever seen real cat ears on someone's head, don't be ridiculous, you must be sleep-deprived. go have a nap." Dream gently pushed her out into the hallway.

"Well, I guess I have been up for a long time... And a nap does sound nice..."

"That's the spirit, treat yourself, and don't worry about George, I'll watch over him."

"O-okay." She walked off in a daze.

Dream closed the door and walked over to George, "That was a close one... Why do you only ever turn back when I'm not around?" Dream whispered to himself. He watched George's chest rise and fall. Dream sat down and closed his eyes, peacefully listening to George's breathing. soon he found himself drifting off to sleep too.

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