Ch. 5 - Last resort

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George couldn't find the old lady anywhere. She wasn't at the Starbucks or anywhere in the airport. George searched for two hours but came home empty-handed. It was now pretty late in the day. The sun was gone but it was still pretty light out because it was a full moon.

Once he arrived back at the dream team house he walked around to the back and tried to climb in through the window again. But it was just a little too high for him to reach and there were no trees nearby. He threw his phone and wallet inside the window and made his way back to the front door. The door was locked. Geroge almost pressed the doorbell but stopped himself. A cat wouldn't be able to reach that. So he knocked on the bottom of the door.

The door quickly opened and George felt himself shrink again. Dream stood above him, staring at him with a worried look. "Prince! You're back." Dream picked George's little cat body up, "I missed you so much!"

George felt bad for making Dream worry so he licked him on the cheek. That's how cats show affection, right? "Meow." Sorry for making you worry.

Drea giggled, "You're so cute." Dream turned around and walked back into the house, "Sapnap, I found him!" He shouted toward the living room. "He came home." George smiled at how much Dream liked him. Even if only as a cat.

They entered the living room, Sapnap was sitting on the sofa scrolling on his phone, probably on TikTok or something. Sapnap turned around and gave George and Dream a weird look, "Did Prince knock on the door?"

Crap, that's not a thing cats do, is it...

"he must have... That's so weird. I didn't know cats could do that."

Maybe I'm just a really well-trained cat. George reasoned.

"Yeah, and didn't it sound like a human knocking?" Sapnap pointed out.

Okay, Sapnap, shut up!

"Did someone drop him off?" Dream questioned.

Maybe you have friendly neighbours. George nodded his head, agreeing with himself.

"But how would they know it was our cat? He doesn't have a collar or anything." Sapnap pointed out.

Can we drop this subject, please!!!

Dream shrugged it off, "Who knows, I'm just glad he's safe." Dream smiled down at George.

Thank you Dream. "Meow." George licked Dream's hand, which tasted like lavender soap.

Dream's smile only grew, "Let's go to bed, Prince. You can sleep with me."

Wait, what?! George's heartbeat quickly sped up.

Dream carried him to his room and put George down on the bed. Dream if you only knew that it was me, George, and not just some random cat, you would be freaking out like me right now.

Dream started changing. He pulled his shirt over his head. George just stared, in shock. Was Dream really going to strip right in front of him? And was George really going to sit there and watch?


Now don't get the wrong idea, it's not like Geroge wanted to watch. He's not some pervert. It was probably his new cat instincts kicking in. It was probably his new cat instincts that made him stare at Dream's fairly toned body. His barely noticeable abs. His skin that was nicely tanned all over. And Dream's arms that were pretty strong looking. He could easily lift George, even in his real body.

Dream started to take off his pants. George quickly looked away. And decided that the wall suddenly looked very interesting. After around two minutes Dream sat down on the bed with him. Dream still wasn't wearing a shirt, but at least he had flannel pyjama bottoms on. Dream picked up George and laid him down on top of his bare chest.

George felt himself blush. Maybe he should tell Dream that he's a cat. It's not like he could find the old lady anyway. Who knows how long he'll have to remain a cat for. But would Dream believe him? Or would he think he was crazy? Dream would probably make fun of him for being an actual catboy now.

Dream soon dozed off and in half an hour George turned back into a human. He rolled off of Dream and began making his grand plan on how he would reveal to Dream and Sapnap that He, Georgenotfound, was a cat. His life was so weird.

George left Dream's bedroom and grabbed his phone. He sent both of the sleeping boys a text, he then found some paper and wrote a note. They would have to believe him, right? There was a small chance that they still thought he was joking or pulling a prank. He had to make this plan full proof. he took a picture with Patches. and posted it on social media.

Please believe me.

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