Ch. 18 - Mistakes

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"I'm going to stream!" George screamed down the hallway.

He closed his door and set up his camera, he hadn't streamed in a week and he was starting to miss the feeling. He grabbed one of Dream's hoodies and threw it on. Making sure the hood covered his cat ears.

There was a knock on the door, "Yes?" George questioned.

Dream peeked inside the room, "Are you sure you're feeling well enough?"

George rolled his eyes, "Stop worrying. I'm fine."

Dream made his way over to George and felt his forehead. George pawed his hand away.

"Dream! I'm fine." He huffed.

Dream gave him puppy dog eyes, "I'm sorry, I was just worried about you..."

George smiled at his sweet boyfriend, "I know. Thank you." He stood up and kissed Dream gently on the lips. "You're so cute."

Dream blushed, "Wah- I'm the one supposed to say that to you."

George shrugged, "It's true though." he was about to sit back down but dream pulled him to his chest, "What are you doing?"

"Start the stream ten minutes late." Dream whispered into his ear with a raspy voice.

George stared at him confused, "Why not right now?"

Dream smirked down at the pretty boy in his arms, "Because now that you're feeling better, I can do this again." Dream bent down and reconnected their lips. He missed this. He missed George's sweet lips on his. He missed tasting George. Dream pulled George's bottom lip with his teeth, silently asking for full access. George happily complied, and let Dream slip in his tongue. Dream made sure to explore all of George's mouth. His stomach was full of butterflies and his body felt like it was floating. He loved this feeling. He wanted all of George, forever. Dream lifted George off the ground, wrapping his arms around George's hips. George quickly wrapped his legs around Dream's waist. He ran his hands through Dream's wavy blond hair. Dream was going crazy. All he could think about was George's hands, George's lips, George's purring, George's tongue. He laid them down on George's bed and let his hands slip under George's hoodie, running his hands all over his milky-white skin. God, Dream missed this.

George forced him away. His face was red and his lips slightly swollen, he was breathing heavily, and his honey-brown eyes looked clouded over. "D-dream, stop."

"Why?" Dream pouted.

"I have to stream, remember?" George caressed Dream's cheek.

"Just do it tomorrow."

"I can't, Quackity and Karl are coming tomorrow. And I wanted to do one more stream before the big announcement." George pushed Dream off of him and sat up. "We can do this after, Okay?"

"Promise?" Dream begged.

Goerge scoffed, "Sure."

Dream wrapped his arms around George and kissed him on the cheek, "Have a fun stream. Want me to jump on vc with you?"

"Mhm, I'd like that." George leaned into Dream and started playing with his hand. "You're hands are so huge."

"No, you're just small." Dream chuckled.

"Ugh! I'm average height! How many times have I told you that!?" He whined.

Dream snuggled into George's neck, "I'm just teasing you... Maybe."

George frowned, "Get out of my room."

"Aww, Georgie, don't be like that. I love you." Dream kissed his neck.

"Yeah, yeah, get out." George get up and plopped down on his desk chair.

"You're so mean." Dream pouted.

"Yet you love me." George grinned.

"I do." Dream beamed, "Talk to you soon." He left the room.

George tried to wipe away his 'Dream smile' before he started the stream. "Hi, everyone!"


George had been streaming for about two hours and He was getting a little feral. Bad was trying to kill George on the dsmp to get his stupid trident back.

"Bad! Stop attacking me!" George whined.

"Then give me back my trident, you muffin!?" Bad punched George again.

"Dream!" George cried out, "Make him stop!"

Dream was wheezing in the background, "J-just give it back to him." He choked out.

Georgenotfound was slain by badboyhalo

George stared blankly at the camera and slowly slipped down his chair.

"That's what you get, you silly muffin!" Bad cheered.

"George, why'd you let him kill you?" Dream smirked.

George sat up angrily, "It's your fault for not helping me." He glanced over at chat, hoping to see them agreeing with him. but instead, everyone was spamming cat ears. George quickly looked at himself in the camera, his hood had fallen off his head. He sat there petrified. What should he do? Everyone was going to think he was some weirdo. Could they tell if they were real?

He ended the stream.

His breathing started to pick up. What was he going to do??? He shut down his computer and tired off his phone. He didn't want to know what they were saying. He collapsed onto his bed.

Dream opened the door, "Why did you end stream so erratically?"

"They saw."

Dream stared confused, "Sorry, what?"

George turned to look at Dream, "They saw, Dream." He started to cry.

Dream rushed over to his side, "explain, help me understand." He started rubbing gentle circles on George's back.

"M-my hood... it fell. Thay saw m-my cat ears..." George hiccuped. "What are we going to do? Tell them I have some weird cat fetish? So I have to wear cat ears all the time."

Dream kissed his tears away, "What if... What if we made them forget?"

"H-how? It's probably clipped everywhere by now."

"What if I did a face reveal."

George looked up at Dream with waterly eyes, "What?"

"I've been meaning to do it ever since you got here. And it would be a good thing to get out of the way before Quackity and Karl get here."

"Would you really do that for me?"

Dream looked down at George lovely, "I would do anything for you."

George kissed him, "Thank you, I-" He took a deep breath, "I'm so lucky to have you."

Dream's heart fluttered, "Should I take a picture with patches?" Dream asked.

George smiled, "Definitely."

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