Ch. 15 - Love is sick

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"Not as funny as you not being able to walk tomorrow." Dream snickered.

"Dream!" George yelled, his cheeks quickly turning bright red. "Why would you say that!"

Dream wheezed at how embarrassed George was. He loved it when he could make him flustered. "What, it's true!" He defended himself.

"Still, you can't just say those types of things out loud, what is Sapnap can hear you!" Geroge argued, hiding his head in Dream's neck.

Dream kissed George's exposed collarbone, "If he can hear us talking, then he has a much bigger problem on his hands."

"Dweammmmmm!" George whined. "Shut up!"

"What!? George, can't face the truth?" Dream licked George's neck, sending a shiver down the smaller boy's spine.

"Stop." George paw swapped Dream's face away. "That felt really weird." He giggled.

Dream wrapped his arms around George's hips, pulling him fulling onto his lap. "Come on, George, you're acting like you've never done this before." Dream teased, licking his lips.

George bit his bottom lip and looked away, "Well..."

Dream's eyes widened. "Wait! Really? Not even with your ex-girlfriend?"

"Don't make fun of me." He pouted.

Dream shook his head, "I'm not. I'm just surprised that someone as beautiful and perfect as you didn't have a million people knocking on your door." Dream grabbed George's hand and placed a sweet kiss on it. He slowly made his way up George's arm leaving kisses all over until he hit George's t-shirt sleeve. That needed to go. Dream thought.

"Well, I'm not a very horny person. Unlike some people I know." He glared at Dream.

Dream put his arms in the air, "Hey, only for you." He justified.

"Also I think I might be demisexual. I always have to get to know a person thoroughly before I can think of them in that way." George tried to explain.

Dream ran his hands up and down George's sides, making George release cute little purrs. "Do you know me enough to find me attractive?" Dream questioned, tilting his head to the side.

George stared at him lovely, "Of course." He breathed out.

Dream caressed George's cheek and brought their lips together. George's hands moved up to play with Dream's waving hair and Dream's hand's explored under George's shirt. The kiss was long and passionate, both boys wanting more and more of each other. George pulled away to breathe. "W-why are you so g-good at this?" George said between breaths.

"I could ask you the same thing." Dream started kissing George's neck, He pulled away when he got to George's shirt collar. "Georgie?" He asked sweetly.

"Yes, Dreamy?" George mocked.

Dream scoffed, "Do you not like being called that? Is Georgina better?"

"Dream! How dare you bring up your ex-girlfriend like that." George said fake offended.

Dream rolled his eyes, "Don't you mean current girlfriend?"

George gasped, "You're cheating on me!?"

"I can't help it, she's hot." Dream giggled.

"I can't believe you!" George huffed and turned away.

Dream grinned, "I'm sorry, George, what can I do to make it up to you?"

George smiled widely, "Kiss me." He beamed.

Dream chuckled, "Of course, but first, let me ask my question." Dream sat up straight. "How far do you want to go tonight. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

George's heart warmed. Dream was so sweet and gentle with him, "Dream, I trust you with my whole body. You can have all of me." George spoke confidently, He wasn't worried about it, he knew Dream would take good care of him.

Dream was shocked at George's boldness. He loved how much George trusted him. Dream laid George down on the bed and hovered over him, admiring the beautiful boy under him. George pouted, "Where's my kiss?"

Dream rolled his eyes at how needy George was being, he reconnected their lips, slipping his tongue inside George's mouth. George moaned into the kiss, exciting Deram.

Dream was about to go even deeper when George suddenly pulled away. Dream gave him a questioning look, "What's wrong? Geor-"


Dream was grossed out, George had just sneezed all over him. "What the hell, George!"

George rested his hand on the pillow and closed his eyes, "Dream... I don't feel too good." George whispered out.

Dream placed a hand on George's forehead, before quickly pulling it away, "Jesus, George, you're burning up!"

"I- I'm sorry, we were going to..." George whimpered out.

"Shhh, shhh. Hey, we can do it at another time, okay, You should rest up for now." Dream brushed his fingers through George's thick brown hair, "I'll get you some water and medicine. Do you need anything else?"

"Mhm, I don't think so," George said with his eyes closed.

Dream leaned down and places a long kiss on George's forehead. "I love you, Geor-"

"Blaargh." George threw up, right onto Dream's new white shirt.

"Eww, George, you did not just do that!" Dream whined and jumped out of bed, "I need to have a shower."

George slowly sat up, "Wait... Dream. Can I have a bowl? I feel like everything I ate today is about to come back up." George groaned, clearing in a lot of pain.

"I'll have Sapnap do it, I'm not living another second with your stomach acid on me." Dream ran out of the room.

George laid back down, Well, that was romantic, he scoffed.

Sorry, short chapter, I'm tired. :(

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