Ch. 32 - Longing

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Dream turned on the TV and went straight to youtube. What video should he show George first? He decided to go to George's channel since seeing his own face might help him remember, He clicked on Minecraft but my friend is an axolotl. "This was a really fun video to make, let's watch it." Dream smiled over at George who was sitting on the other end of the couch.


They sat watching videos for a few hours, laughing and commenting about them here and there. Dream would always tell George about all the stuff they had to cut out. And George would start rolling over in laugher every time Dream wheezed in a video. It was nice and calming. Dream would find himself stealing glances of George ever so often, he looked so pretty, curled up in the corner of the couch with a soft grey blanket hugging him at all sides. He wished he could kiss him on the forehead or hold his hand. But he couldn't. Not anymore. This George didn't know him. This George didn't love him. Dream let that sink in. Let that thought plant its self in his heart. It hurt.

Soon Dream could hear movement from upstairs, which meant that the others had finally woken up. It wasn't going to be easy telling them the news. Karl and Quackity came down first, arguing about what to eat for breakfast. "Pancakes are way better than waffles," Karl stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"You have to be fucking kidding me? Waffles are the best!" Quackity yelled back.

George jumped at the sound of new voices and hid behind Dream, cautiously looking at the new faces. Dream sent him a soft smile before addressing the boys, "Good morning, you two."

Karl's face brightened, "George is back! How are you feeling?" Karl moved closer to hug George but George hid further behind Dream, avoiding eye contact. Karl raised an eyebrow.

Dream cleared his throat, "Um, is Nick up yet?"

As if on cue, Sapnap came running down the stairs. "Good morning!" He yelled way too loud. He looked over at Dream and smiled, "George is back! How is his head?"

George peeked out from behind Dream, "Hey, you're that Sapnap guy from all those videos!"

Sapnap looked at him perplexed, "What?"

Dream sighed, "Guys we need to talk, George stay here, we'll be right back." He guided the rest of them into the kitchen. "George has amnesia." He quickly blurted out. "But the doctor says it probably won't be permanent. It should come back within a day or two... Hopefully."

Sapnap laughed, "What kind of sick joke is this? Are you two just trying to make me feel worse about what I did? It was an accident! Just forgive me like a normal person!"

Dream looked down at the ground, "You think I would make this up? I wish I was joking Nick..."

Quackity and Karl exchanged a look, Karl nodded and opened up his arms, "Group hug?" They all slowly shuffled in. Dream put an arm around Sapnap, "I don't blame you. It's not your fault, okay?" Sapnap nodded his head and pulled Dream closer.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered as he held in his tears.

"I know." Dream pulled away, "Should I introduce you guys to George?"

"Wait, how much does he remember?" Quackity wandered.

"Ah, Minecraft." Dream laughed.

"That's it?" Quackity asked, visibly confused.

"Yeah, he couldn't even remember his own name."

"That's fucked up." Quackity shook his head.

They made their way back to the living room, George was still sitting on the couch watching a dream team video. But he was now cuddled up with Patches and Peaches. Dream looked fondly at his little family. "George?" He asked, so softly it was almost a whisper.

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