Ch. 19 - Pillow fights

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Dream and George were sitting in the living room, cuddling on the sofa while they watched Loki. It had been twenty minutes since anyone had looked at their phones. Dream's face was now out in the world to see. he posted it on Instagram since people on Twitter were bound to be super toxic about it.

Dream could barely focus on the show. His hands were shaking and his leg was bouncing up and down. George lightly placed a hand on Dream's knee making him relax.

"Dream, if you want to look you can," George said softly. George was always so sweet and gentle with him, Dream admired that about him.

"No, we said we'd watch one episode and then we'd look at it together. I can wait." Dream told himself.

George frowned, "I'm sorry you had to do this because of me. You should have had more time to prepare yourself." George started to tear up again. He couldn't help it, he felt responsible for Dream's worries and discomforts. If he hadn't slipped up this would never be happening. Dream could remain the faceless Minecraft YouTuber he wanted to be.

Dream pulled George closer to him. wrapping his arms tightly around the brunette, "Hey, Georgie, It's okay, I promise I wanted to do it anyway. Sure it's a little sooner than I had planned. But nothing ever goes to plan." Dream's hand wandered up to George's hair and started twirling his cute, little, curls with his finger, "Like us. I never planned on dating you, it just happened. Which I'm very thankful for." Dream kissed him on the forehead.

"You do too much for me." George frowned.

"Nonsense. You deserve the world."

"I have the world." George gave off a shy smile.

Dream looked down at him confused, "You do?"

"I have you, Dream. You are my world."

If Dream's cheeks weren't red before they were now. How could George be so cute? Wasn't Dream the one supposed to be good with words in this relationship? Dream kissed him on the neck, "I love you."

George started purring and lead into Dream's touch, "Mhm." His tail started wagging like a dog. Making Dream chuckle.

Their cute moment was quickly ruined though by Sapanp running down the stairs yelling, "Dream! You did your face reveal without telling me!"

George hurriedly pulled away from Dreams touch and sat as far away on the couch as possible. Sapnap barged into the living room and threw a pillow at Dream's face, "You jerk! This is the type of thing you tell your best friend!"

Dream caught the pillow in mid-air and nicely placed it on the couch next to him. "Sorry, Nick, It was kind of an emergency." He quickly explained.

"An emergency?" Sapnap sat down between Dream and George with a doubtful look.

"It's my fault." George blurted out.

"Stop that!" Dream scolded, "I was going to do it anyway."

Sapnap turned to George, "What did you do this time?" He joked.

George felt like crying all over again, "I mind a mistake, Sapnap. I screwed up and Dream was trying to help me out."

"What did you do?" Sapnap asked, now sounding genuinely worried.

"My hood came off when I was live streaming with Bad and Dream, everyone saw them Sapanp, they saw my cat ears. And they don't exactly look fake." George hugged his knees and hide his face between them. "Dream only did the face reveal to get the fans off my back."

Sapnap placed a hand on George's shoulder, "Hey, It's okay. Slip-ups happen and it's your boyfriend's job to make it better. You would do the same thing for Dream, Right?"

George slowly raised his head, "Of course."

"See! So don't feel bad about it." Sapnap beamed, "And now that Dream's beautiful face is out there, we can do some super cool content with Karl and Quackity!"

"Let's do a cooking stream!" George suggested.

"We can also do one where I teach you guys how to skateboard!" Sapnap said excitedly.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Dream chimed in, "George would definitely hurt himself."

"I would not!" George whined.

Sapnap laughed, "Yeah, Dream, you're so right. Maybe I'll do that video idea with just Karl then."

"Ooh, you and your crush spending alone time together." Dream teased.

"Shut up, man!" Sapnap grabbed the pillow again and this time managed to hit Dream in the face.

Dream started wheezing, "W-what! You do it all the time to us." He pointed out.

"Yeah, but that's because I live with you two idiots! It's the only way I can cope."

"Are you nervous to see Karl tomorrow?" George asked, he now had both Patches and Peaches sitting in his lap. How did they get there? No one knows.

"More excited." Sapnap smiled, "It's going to be so much fun having him and Quackity stay here."

"Oh, yeah, where are they going to sleep?" Dream asked.

"I thought you would figure that out." Sapnap shugged.

"Well, our spare room is now George's. So maybe one could sleep on the couch and the other on the floor?" Dream questioned.

"Why don't they sleep in my room. I'll just move in with Dream." George stated casually.

"You sure?" Dream asked with a smile. He liked the thought of sharing a bed with George.

"Yeah, why not." George giggled.

Sapnap fake gaged, "Okay, whatever, good to have that sorted out. I'm going to go to sleep so Karl gets here sooner. Goodnight you to love birds~" He sang as he left the room and walked up the stairs.

Dream turned to George with a smug look on his face, "Now where were we?"

George rolled his eyes, "Come help me clean my room." He stood up and grabbed Dream's hand, pulling him to his room.

"Fineeeeeee, but you're sleeping in my room tonight, right?"

"Sure, my bedding will be in the washing machine anyway." George reasoned.

Dream pouted, "You make it sound like you don't want to sleep with me."

George blushed, "Did you have to say it that way?"

Dream chuckled, "Of course, I love seeing you get all flustered. It's cute."

"Shut up."


Today was the day! Quackity and Karl would be walking through the front door any second now. Sapnap was excitedly looking out the window, while George was nervously pacing in the living room. Dream was lounging on the couch laughing at something he saw on Twitter about his face reveal.

"George calm the fuck down!" Sapnap yelled, "No one's going to care that you're some weird cat maid!"

"Look, I understand that you're too in love to think about other people's problems Sapnap, But lay off!" George flung a pillow at his head.

Sapnap turned and smiled, "Oh, you're on."

Dream put down his phone and smirked, "Are we having a dream team pillow fi-" A pillow hit him right in the face. He picked it up and stared at a giggling Sapnap.

"You're going down, Sapnap." Dream started chasing him around the room.

All three boys were so focused on their war that they didn't even notice Karl and Quackity knock on the door and then let themselves in. Quackity entered the living room first and was about to say hello when a pillow hit him in the face. "What the fuck!?"

"Quackity!!!!!" The Dream Team yelled. They ran over to him and engulfed him in a hug.

Karl walked in next, "Karl!!!!" They quickly engulfed him too.

once everyone had calmed down and took a seat in the living room, Quackity asked a very important question, "Why the fuck does George have cat ears and a tail?"

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