Ch. 2 - New Pet!

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"Sapnap! Guess what I found!" Dream yelled through the house. He quickly placed George's luggage in a spare room, which was filled with boxes that had the name George written on them with a sharpie.

Dream walked over to the living room, still holding Goerge in his arms. Sapnap was sitting on the brown couch. He turned around and saw the cat in Dream's arms.

Sapnap gave him a confused face, "Why are you holding a cat?"

"It was outside on the porch. Isn't it adorable?" Dream looked down at the cat lovingly.

George felt himself blush.

Sapnap looked at Dream seriously, "Dream, it's probably one of our neighbour's cats. We can't keep it. Put it back outside so it can wander home." Sapnap reached for the cat, Dream pulled away.

"Sapnap... It doesn't have a collar. and it looks so small and skinny. I think it's a stray." Dream gave him puppy dog eyes.

"Clay, don't tell me you've already grown attached. You've known it for what? two minutes?"

"But, look, Sapnap, It's so well behaved. It's just been sitting in my arms this whole time. And when we were outside, it put its little pew on me. It was so cute."

"Dream, think logically. Do you really think Patches is going to like sharing you with another cat?"

Dream looked down at George and frowned.

Don't you dare throw me out Dream! George internally screamed.

"Patches probably wouldn't like another cat in the house, huh?"

"Yep, so put the cat back outside, Dream." Sapnap turned and went back to watching the tv.

Dream sighed and walked back to the door.

George was freaking out! not only was he a cat now, but he would have no place to live! He had to make Dream keep him. He looked up at him and pewed at his chest and did the cutest meow he could muster, "Meow."

Dream looked down at the little cat in his arms. "Look, I'm sorry, I wanted to keep you, but Nick and Patches don't. But it will be okay, I'm sure you have a home elsewhere." Dream opened the door and placed George on the ground. Dream gave him a little wave and began closing the door.

George didn't have time to process what he was going when he slipped back through the doorway and ran into the house, He could hear Dream shout after him. He dashed towards the first door he saw. it was a room with a king-sized bed in it, the walls were a dark yellow (so probably a forest green) He looked for a place to hide and dived under the bed. He curled up into a little ball and started panicking. The reality of the whole situation came crashing down on him. He was a cat.

There was no way this was happening to him right? How was this even possible? George wanted to cry. He had no clue what to do. Was he going to remain a cat forever? Could he tell Dream and Sapnap that he was a cat? would they believe him? Was this going to be his new normal? George was too overwhelmed to deal with this right now. His mind began to feel heavy. And soon he drifted off to sleep.

Dream started searching the house for the little kitten. "pst pst pst, come here little kitty." Dream sang in a baby tune. Patches came around the corner and started robbing her face on Dream's legs. "Oh, hi." Dream pat Patches on the hand. "Go see Sapnap for a second, I'm a little busy right now." Dream searched the kitchen, bathroom, upstairs and the spare bedroom, but the cat was nowhere to be found.

Dream decided to ask Sapnap for help, "Sap, Have you seen the cat anywhere?" Dream says walking back into the living room.

"What do you mean? Did you lose it? Why didn't you put it back outside like I told you to?" Sapnap turned off the tv and stood up.

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