Ch. 21 - Cooking stream

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"So what are we going to cook?" Dream asked as he drove them all home.

"Something yummy." George chimed in from the passenger seat.

"Wow, George you're so smart," Karl said sarcastically.

"Let's make taquitos! With spicy chicken!" Quackity yelled from behind Dream.

"Or we could make burgers!" Sapnap suggested from the middle seat.

"I don't know... What do you want to make, George?" Dream asked.

Everyone in the back seat groaned. "Of course you ask George!" Quackity complained.

"Do you see what I have to live with!" Sapnap exploded, "It's always Dream that or George this! They are obsessed with each other."

Quackity scoffed, "Like you and Karl are any better."

Karl and Sapnap want red in the face, "W-what are you talking about?" Karl asked.

"Oh, Please, you and Sapnap were stealing glances all dinner. You were being as obvious as that waitress girl hitting on Dream."

Dream turned around, "What?"

Now it was George's turn to scoff, "Come on Dream it was obvious. And you weren't helping the matter with that stupid smile of yours." George grumbled.

Dream grinned even bigger, "You like my smile?"

Sapnap rolled his eyes, "Oh my god, they're at it again." Karl giggled next to him.

"So what are we making?!!!" Quackity shouted.

"Let's make cakes!" Karl suggested. "We can buy the cake boxes and icing, that way we won't burn down the house."

George giggled, "Yeah, Sapnap."

"Don't look at me!" Sapnap kicked George's seat.

"Hey!" George yelled back.

Dream sighed, "Fine, we can make cakes, I'll drive us to Walmart."


"How's the lighting?" Sapnap asked as he readjusted the box light.

Dream looked at the laptop on the dining room table, "Put it a little to the left."


Dream turned around to see his frowning boyfriend. George hugged Dream from behind, "Are you sure you don't want to be in the stream?"

"It would make the teams uneven, plus just because I did my face reveal doesn't mean I want to be on camera all the time."

"Okay..." George dragged his feet into the kitchen.

"George, you and I are on a team!" Quackity announced. "Let's beat Karlnap!"

George instantly cheered up, "Yeah! We've got this Quackity!"

Karl walked into the kitchen with the boxes on cake mix, "Okay, what kind of cake do you guys want to make?"

"Should I start the stream?" Dream asked from behind the camera.

"Wait, which one of us is streaming?" Sapnap questioned looking around the room at the other boys.

"Me!" Quackity called out, "George has already done a cooking stream before and I want to be the one to announce that the feral boys are all together!"

"Okay, Quackity come sign in to your account." Dream beckoned him over.

"I'll preheat the ovens," Karl called out.

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