Ch. 4 - Patches loves me, Help!

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George woke up to Dream wheezing. he was cuddled up into a little ball on Dream's lap. Dream was still sitting at his computer and was on a call with someone. He had his headphones on, though, so George couldn't hear who he was talking to.

"Why would you do that?" Dream laughed. "You're so annoying!"


"Yeah, like yesterday..." Dream began explaining something but George tuned him out. He jumped off Dream's lap and left the room. George wandered through the house and over to the kitchen. He took a drink from Patches' water fountain and began looking for something to eat.

He could still hear Dream's laughter, and Sapnap's came soon after. They must be in a call together. George hopped on the counter and looked for any food laying around. All he could find was a fruit ball full of bananas and apples. He bit into the apple with his little cat fangs. He only got off some of the apple skin. This was going to take a while.

Patches came trotting into the kitchen and gave George a questioning look. George took another bite of the apple and jumped down from the counter with the apple still in his mouth. Don't look at me like that, I'm hungry.

George walked over to the sofa, taking a seat and started nibbling at his apple. Patches jumped up beside him and started licking his fur. George backed away. Stop! "Meow!" Maybe since George was a cat Patches would be able to understand him.

If she did she wasn't listening to George's wishes. she ignored him and laid right on top of him. "Meow!" Get off of me! George whined. Patches was a pretty small cat but George was even smaller and couldn't move with Patches' full-body weight on top of him. Patches started licking him again. George pouted and took another small bite out of his apple. He didn't want to admit it but being groomed felt pretty nice. Maybe he was turning into a full cat.

What if he could never be George again? What if he slowly starts to lose his human side? What if he turns into a full cat?!

George had to find that old lady and give her a bagel! Before it's too late!

George slapped Patches in the face with his paw and wiggled his way out from under her. He jumped off the sofa and ran to the spare bedroom where Dream was storing all his stuff. He found his luggage in the corner and opened the side pocket with his teeth. He pulled out his wallet and his phone.

He had to turn back into a human and find this old lady. He pushed the bedroom door closed and hoped that without Dream or Sapnap seeing him, he would turn back into a human. He waited for half an hour, then suddenly he started to grow. He looked at his hands and legs and smiled. He put his wallet and phone in his pocket and opened the bedroom window. He hopped out of it and called a taxi to come to pick him up and take him to the airport. He decided to text Dream and Sapnap quickly to let them know he was still alive.

Dream >

Cute new cat!

you should name it george after me :]

And sorry I haven't been answering your texts

I've been super busy with family and probably will

be for a few more days! Can't wait to see you!

only four more days!

Sapnap >

Stop texting me! >:o

I'm far too cool for you

so leave me alone!

I'm busy with family

you'll have me all to yourself

when I get there! Well, you'll

have to share with dream :]

And patches :p

George's taxi soon arrived and he was off to the airport.


Dream's phone lit up. He looked over to see a text message from one of his favourite people, George! He chuckled at George's name suggestion. and his heart grew warm, knowing that George wasn't mad at him. "Only four more days." Dream told himself. Dream was really excited to finally meet George, but he was also terrified. Dream had known for a while now that he had feelings for George and not just platonic ones. He liked George, Like, liked liked him. But there was no way George felt the some. So Dream would have to fight the urge to hold his hand or kiss his forehead. Dream was willing to do anything if it meant not losing George.

Dream glanced over at the clock, it was 5:00 pm and he was hungry. He should feed the cats too well he's at it. Dream got up and stretched his back. He made his way over to the kitchen and pulled out a box of mac and cheese. Patches followed him into the kitchen and meowed wanting some food. Dream pet her and made her a bowl of cat food. He started boiling the water for the noodles. He waited for Prince to show up.

After Dream had made his dinner and ate it he started to worry about Prince, where was he? He walked up the stairs and asked Sapnap, who had no idea. Dream decided not to worry about it. Cat's disappear all the time. it's normal, right?

It was now midnight and still no sign of Prince. Did he run away? Dream once again had no idea why he cared about this cat so much. But it was all he could think about. Was it okay? Was it hurt? Did someone kidnap it?

"No one kidnapped him, Clay. Calm down." Sapnap said sitting next to him on the couch, trying to comfort the anxious Dream.

"But he's nowhere in the house Nick. Where could he of gone?"

"George's soon-to-be room window was open. Maybe he jumped out of that." Sapnap shrugged his shoulders.

"What!? You left the window open!"

"It wasn't me you idiot! You must have. I never even go into that room! Also, Why did I find an apple on the couch earlier today?"

"What apple?" Dream asked.

"What do you mean, there was an ap-"

There was a knock at the door.

"Is that more of George's stuff?" Sapnap questioned.

"I'll go see." Dream got up and walked over to the door. He opened it and looked down to see Prince sitting at his feet. "Prince! You're back." Dream picked him up and held him close to his body, "I missed you so much!"

Prince licked his cheek, "Meow."

Dream giggled, "You're so cute. Sapnap, I found him! He came home." Dream walked back into the living room.

Sapnap gave him a weird look, "Did Prince knock on the door?"

"he must have... That's so weird. I didn't know cats could do that."

"Yeah, and didn't it sound like a human knocking?" Sapnap pointed out.

"Did someone drop him off?"

"But how would they know it was our cat? He doesn't have a collar or anything."

Dream shrugged it off, "Who knows, I'm just glad he's safe." Dream smiled down at the little cat, "Let's go to bed, Prince. You can sleep with me."

George felt his heart explode.

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