Ch. 14 - How we love

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Dream gently opened the door to George's bedroom, the lights were turned off but he could still make out George cuddled up in the bed under his blue covers.

Dream flicked on a lamp in the corner before closing the door behind him. With the newfound light shining in the room, Dream could see fresh tears on George's cheeks. His heart broke.

"George?" He asked softly, afraid that if he spoke too loud he'd scare him away, "What happened? Why are you crying?"

George forced himself to sit up and wiped the tear's from his face, "I..." He took in a deep breath, trying to control his heartbeat, "I don't want to h-hurt you, Dweam." He fought back more tears threatening to spill.

Dream always got butterflies in his chest when George used that nickname. No one else ever had the same effect on him the why George did. Dream left his place by the door and made his way over to the end of the bed. He stared into George's big, soft, brown eyes. Dream would gaze into them forever if given the opportunity. "Where is this coming from?" It came out barely a whisper. Was that the right thing to say? He wasn't sure.

George looked down at his hands, His cat ears rested flat in his hair. He looked so small like he would fold in on himself at any second. "I want you to be happy." He sniffed out.

Dream reached out to hold one of his hands, he intertwined their fingers. George's hands were always so much smoother than Dream's. George also had surprisingly small wrists. Everything about George seemed so delicate, beautiful, one of a kind. "I am happy." Dream ran his lips over George's knuckles, kissing them softly.

More tears dropped down George's rosy cheeks, "I'm sorry." He choked out.

Dream shifted closer to the beautiful boy, He moved his free hand up to George's wet cheek, wiping the tears away with his thumb. "Why?" He breathed out. His mind felt hazy. George had that impact on him.

George gently took Dream's hand off his face and held it close to his heart. "I want to say it, but I don't want to hurt you..." George closed his eye tight. "I don't know what's wrong with me." He began playing with Dream's fingers as if to distract himself. "My family never really said the L-word to each other, I don't think I can think of a single time. My parents never even said it to each other, it was always just implied" George paused for a second. "I- um, I guess this whole thing is pretty stupid maybe I shou-"

Dream pressed his finger to George's lips, "It's not, Georgie. If it's something bothering you or something that hurt you, then it's not stupid at all." Dream looked at him lovingly, "Continue." George's lips carved ever so slightly upward, which made Dream's heartbeat speed up.

George stared back down at his and Dream's hands as he continued to play with their fingers, "When I got my first girlfriend in high school she would always give me dumb pet names. Which I never liked. One night I was walking her back home and She told me that She loved me. I think that was the first time someone had said that to me. I stood there shocked, I thought those words were only ever said in movies. I didn't know what to say. She took the silents as a sign that I didn't love her back. so she dumped me." George chuckled, "Thank god. But the next year I met you online, and we become friends. I'd never might someone like you before. you were so open with your feelings. It's scary."

Dream studied George's face, "I scare you?"

"You terrify me, Dream. I don't know if I can ever be as transparent as you are. I'm no match for your big heart... I'm sorry, I can't love you like you deserve to be loved." George started tearing up again.

Dream smiled at him fondly, he wrapped his arms around George engulfing him in a warm hug. "George, how do you not see it? You might not love me as loud with your words. But your heart is just as big. You show you're love through time. No one else I know would just sit with me in a call for 12 hours. Or give up everything to come live with me and Sapanp in Florida? You also love with touch. Something I didn't know till you got here. But you're always leaning on me or playing with my hand." Dream giggled lovingly. "All those things are saying I love you."

"So, is it alright if I don't say I love you all the time?" George whispered.

"Of course, I'm so sorry I forced you to say it to me, Georgie, that was rude and insensitive of me." Dream kissed the top of George's head right between his cat ears.

"It's okay, you didn't know. And I do... You know."

"Yeah, I do." Dream pulled George into his lap and kissed his nose. "I'm proud of you, George." Dream spoke truthfully, "Thank you for trusting me enough to opening up to me. I know it's hard for you."

George rested his forehead on Dream's "I trust you with every bone in my body," He breathed out. Causing Dream to feel lightheaded, "Maybe since I can't tell you how much you mean to me, I can show you." George ran his fingers up Dream's chest and into his hair.

Dream held his breath, was George saying want he thought he was saying? George connected their lips and kissed Dream passionately. Dream could hear George start to purr. Cute.

Dream smiled into the kiss, he was more than okay if this was how George was going to show his love.

Their lips moved in unison, both addicted to the other. Dream was completely focused on the man on him, all he could think about was how good George tasted, how good he felt in his arms, how good he made Dream feel. He wanted more. Dream bit George's bottom lip, asking for entrance. George quickly complied, wanting Dream to have all of him. Dream slipped his tongue in George's mouth and explored the new territory. He brushed his hands up and down George's sides, making George shiver. Dream snuck his hands under George's shirt, his skin was warm and welcoming. George tilted his head to deepen the kiss even further. Both boys wanted more, ached for more, needed more. needed all of each other. But Dream wanted something else even more

He pulled away, panting, "George." His voice was low and raspy.

George gave off a cute whimper, "Why'd you stop."

"George, my love." He caressed George's cheek.

"Yes?" George moved his body even closer to Dream's, leaving no room between them.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Dream whispered into George's ear.

"Mhm." George hummed well kissing Dream's neck.

"Words." Dream demanded as he nippled on George's ear.

"Yes, Dream, I would love to be your boyfriend," George said in a very posh accent.

Dream rolled his eyes, "Good, I don't know what I would have done if you said no again."

George giggled, "It was really funny though, you should have seen your face."

"Not as funny as you not being able to walk tomorrow." Dream snickered.

"Dream!" George's cheeks quickly turned bright red.

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