Ch. 23 - Aquaphobia

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"Dreeeam!" George whined from their en suite bathroom.

"What?!" Dream shouted back as he finished changing into his swim trunks.

George waddled out of the bathroom in his own blue and gray bathing suit, "What am I supposed to do about this." He flicked his tail back and forth.

Dream was too busy admiring his shirtless boyfriend to listen. He walked over to George and kissed him on the forehead, "How can someone be this pretty?"

George blushed, "Shut up." He pushed Dream away, "Answer my question."

Dream frowned, "Fine. What did you ask me?"

George glared at him, "How am I going to hide my tail at the beach? And do I have to wear a stupid beanie the whole time I'm outside? Florida's hot as hell." He complained.

Dream thought for a second, "Maybe you could..." He looked around the room and grabbed a towel, "Here, wear this around your waist." George nodded his head and tied it around his small waist. "And for your hair..." Dream walked over to his dresser and opened the top draw, he moved some stuff around and then pulled out a hair tie. "Your hair has been getting pretty long, I bet I could throw it into a messy bun on the top of your head, to hide your cat ears."

"Really?" George asked with hopeful eyes.

Dream sat down on the bed and motioned George to sit in front of him. George quickly sat down and happily let Dream run his fingers through his hair. It felt so nice and relaxing. George couldn't help but purr.

Dream smiled at how cute his boyfriend was. He pulled George's soft brown hair into a high ponytail and wrapped it into a circle. He twisted the hair tie around the hair and puffed it up a little to cover George's cat ears. He turned George around so he could get a good look at it. "Wow." George was hot.

George smiled, "Did it work?"

Dream took out his phone and snapped a picture, "See for yourself." He showed George the phone.

George grinned, "you can't even tell that they're there!" He put the phone down and engulfed Dream into a hug, "Thank you thank you thank you! I didn't want to have to wear a hat forever. I'm not a hat person like Sapnap." He explained excitedly.

Dream pulled George onto his lap, "No problem, what are boyfriends for." George blushed. "But, um..." Dream let his fingers trail up to George's neck, "What are we going to do about these?"

George gave him a confused face, "these?" Dream kissed him on the neck as a friendly reminder. George quickly stood up, "I forgot about those!" He squealed. "What are we going to do, If Sapnap sees then we'll never hear the end of it!"

Drem chuckled, "Calm down, just grab some bandaids from the bathroom pantry and say you cut yourself well shaving."

"And you're sure they won't expect a thing?" George asked as he wandered back into the washroom

Dream shrugged his shoulders, "It's not like Sapnap and Karl won't both have them as well."

George giggled as he reentered the room with two bandaids on his neck, "True. Are you ready to go?"

Dream nodded his head and grabbed his own towel, before following George out the door, "Is everyone ready to go!" Dream yelled through the house.

Karl and Sapnap came racing down the stairs, "Yeah!" Sapnap yelled excitedly, he walked over to the shoe closet and pulled out an orange and red surfboard, "I can't wait to show you all my cool moves." Sapnap said while winking at Karl. Quackity walked out of George's old room, "Let's go losers!"

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