Ch. 25 - Ice cream

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Dream pushed open the ice cream shop's door causing a light bell to ring throughout the small room. An employee looked up from behind the ice cream display and smiled. "Welcome! What can I get for you?" She asked in a sugar-sweet voice.

Dream held the door open for George before walking up to the teenage girl and looking at the ice cream selection. "What do you want, George?" Dream asked as George lead in next to him.

"Umm..." George thought for a moment.

"No way." The girl squealed, "This can't be happening!"

Dream looked up and gave her a confused look, "What?" George giggled beside him.

"A-are you D-dream and George. like from Minecraft?" Her hands were shaking and she looked like she was going to cry.

"Oh! Yes, we are." Dream smiled. This was the first time he had ever been noticed. He had always dreamed of this day. His first fan encounter in person. "Do you watch us?"

She nodded her head, "I've watched all of your videos! multiple times! And all your streams too! I can't believe I'm meeting you two." She started crying.

Dream's heart warmed, he loved that he could make someone so happy. "Would you like a hug?" He asked.

"Oh my god, really?" She sobbed out. she made her way around the counter and Dream opened his arms and gave her a friendly hug. George watched with a grin, he knew that this moment was special to Dream. Dream pulled away and the girl wiped her eyes, She laughed, "Sorry, I got your shirt all wet."

Dream laughed it off, telling her it was no big deal. She asked for a photo with both of them, which they happily agreed to. Now that she had calmed down quite a bit, they could finally order their ice cream. George asked for two scoops of chocolate and Dream got one scoop of mint chocolate chip and one scoop of bubble gum. He asked her to make sure the mint was on top of the bubble gum. The girl laughed at the request and Geroge stood there confused. On their way out George asked her one more question, "Are you a fan of dnf?"

She blushed "I mean... Don't you guys ship it all the time?" she questioned nervously.

"True." He stated calmly, before grabbing Dream's shirt and pulling him down to kiss his lips. The girl stood there in shock with her mouth wide open. George laughed and pulled Dream out of the store.

Dream followed him out disoriented, "W-what was that for?"

George shrugged his shoulders, "thought it was funny."

Dream interlocked their fingers as they walked down the boardwalk, "That was fun, she was really nice."

George licked his ice cream and hummed, "Mmm, I love ice cream."

"Want to taste some of mine?"

"Sure!" George happily agreed.

Dream smirked before taking a huge bite of his ice cream and then smooshing his and George's lips together. George instantly turned bright red, he tried to pull away but Dream wouldn't let him. Instead, he licked George's bottom lip. George whined but allowed Dream to slip in. The tasted of mint and chocolate entered George's mouth. It tasted good, and he wanted more. George let his own tongue enter Dream's mouth and savoured all of him. George slowly pulled away, he felt breathless and lightheaded. "W-why'd you do that?" He asked as he held on to Dream's arm for support.

Dream shrugged, "Just wanted to."

George rolled his eyes, "You're lucky no one's around."

"I'm surprised you care. After all, you did just kiss me in front of a fan."

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