Ch. 17 - Forever?

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Dream and Sapnap were sitting around the dining table eating steak and mash potatoes.

"Is he still sleeping?" Sapnap asked, well trying to cut his steak with his fork.

Dream nodded his head, "Yeah, the doctor said if he doesn't get better by tomorrow to go back."

Sapnap started sawing at the steak, "Do you think he's actually sick because of stress? What if the old lady's curse slowly kills him or something?"

Dream dropped his fork, "Are you saying George is dying!?" Dream started to panic, the thought had never even occurred to him. What would he do if he ever lost George? His whole world revolved around him. Dream started to breathe heavier. His heartbeat speed up and his vision became blurry.

Sapnap jumped up and made his way over to Dream, "Hey, hey, it was just a thought, George isn't dying... Probably. Crap, I'm not helping am I?"

Dream knew he was worrying Sapnap, but he couldn't seem to calm down. He needed to see George. Make sure he was still okay and breathing. Dream stumbled through the house and opened George's door. The room was dark and humid. George was spread out on the bed with half his body in the sheets and half hanging out. He looked so peaceful. Dream took a deep breath and laid down beside him. Listening to his breathing.

Dream slowing began to calm down. George was okay. He was still here. Dream pulled George close to his body and kissed the top of his head. George snuggled into Dream's warmth, humming with content.

George slowly opened his eyes, "Mhm, hi Dream." He purred

"Sorry, did I wake you?" Dream whispered.

"Yeah, but it's okay. I like waking up to you cuddling me." Geroge smiled and kissed Dream's cheek.

Dream's heart fluttered and all his stress melted away, "How are you feeling?"

George yawned and slowly sat up. "Hungry."

Dream rolled his eyes, "I mean with your fever. Do you still have a headache, do you need more medicine?" Dream rubbed George's back with his right hand.

"I feel a lot better actually!" George beamed. "I bet I could keep my food down!"

Dream felt George's forehead, it was still warm, but not burning like before. "I guess we could try... Just don't throw up on me again." Dream warned.

George kicked the blankets off himself, "No promises." He stuck out his tongue and hopped off the bed. "What time is it?"

Dream got up and joined George, who was now walking to the kitchen. "First off, rude. Secondly, it's six-thirty, you've been sleeping for the whole day."

George walked into the dining room and saw Sapnap eating steak. "You guys had steak! Can I have some?" He turned to stare at Dream and give his best puppy dog eyes (or in this case kitty cat eyes.)

"Shouldn't we start with soda crackers or something?" Dream questioned.

Sapnap turned toward them. "George, you're up. Are you feeling any better?"

George nodded his head, "Yeah! A lot better! Is there any leftover steak?" George's brown tail swung from side to side.

"Only what's left on Dream's plate," Sapnap said before taking the last bite of his steak.

George quickly took a seat in Dream's chair. He looked up at Deram, "Can I?"

Dream sat down beside him and sighed, "Fine, but only eat a little, okay?"

George eagerly agreed and started cutting it. George jabbed at it with his fork and couldn't get it to cut. "Dream!" He whined, pushing the plate over to him, "Help."

Dream chuckled, "What? You need me to cut it for you?"

George frowned, "Don't laugh at me. It's not my fault they make cows so hard."

Dream wheezed. "H-hard?"

George blushed, "Shut up! Just cut it already!"

Dream smirked at how flustered George was, "Okay, I'm cutting it!" He chuckled before cutting the steak into little-sized bites. He stabbed a piece with his fork and held it up to George's mouth.

"Wait, are you feeding me now?" George smiled.

Dream gazed at his pretty boyfriend and shrugged, "You're the one that handed me the plate." He stated plainly, staring loving into George's honey eyes.

George wrapped his mouth around the fork and pulled off the steak. He hummed, "It's so good, I didn't know you could cook."

Dream grinned, "There's a lot of things you don't know about me." Dream placed his hand on George's thigh and started rubbing small circles.

Sapnap cleared his throat. "Guys, I'm still here." He coughed out.

Dream's blood rushed to his head, "Right, sorry, Nick."

George laughed and grabbed the fork from Dream's hand. "So Sapnap, how's that little crush of yours going?"

Dream instantly perked up, "Crush?"

Sapnap blushed, "Actually, I was wondering if Karl could come and visit us. I know George is still half a cat but would it be okay if we told Karl?"

George walked around the table and hugged Sapnap. "Of course! I trust Karl!"

"Really? It's okay with you guys!"

"Yeah, We'd love to have him. What if we invited Quackity too? We could do a feral boys meet up!" Dream suggested.

George pulled away from Sapnap, "If you're okay with not having Karl all to yourself that is." He teased.

Sapnap scoffed, "Unlike you two lovebirds, Karl and I can keep our hands to ourselves."

George pouted, "That's Dream's fault."

Sapnap laughed, "Yeah, right, I don't see you rejecting his advancements."

Dream smirked, "True."

George glared at him, "Don't make me start."

Dream cleared his throat, "We can invite them over as soon as George is feeling one hundred percent again."

"Thanks, I'll let them know." Sapnap skipped up the stairs.

Dream stole the fork back from George's hand, "So where were we?"

"Do you have to feed me?" George whined, sitting back down beside Dream.

"why? Do you not like it?"

"It's embarrassing." He blushed.

Dream stabbed another piece of steak and brought it to George's pink lips. "Bite."

George obeyed. He smiled, it tasted so good. "You know what Dream? Even if I do throw this back up, it was totally worth it! How did you learn to cook?"

"My mom, She's way better than me. You should try her cooking sometime."

George smiled, "I'm sure I will. Since I'll be with you forever."

Dream's heart warmed, "Forever?"

"Yeah, don't you want to be with me forever?" George tilted his head to the side.

Dream stared in awe at the most beautiful, cute, perfect boy sitting in front of him, "More than you could know."

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