Ch. 7 - I'm staying

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"Okay, Dream, this is the stupidest thing you've ever told me. George is not our cat." Sapnap stated plainly.

Dream and said 'cat' were cuddling on the couch, (Sapnap could swear he hasn't seen Dream without Prince since they got him (clingy much)) Sapnap had just woken up and received George's dumb text message, and saw the Twitter picture. So he knew that George was here, he was just upset that Deram and George would plan this whole prank about George being a cat. He wanted to meet George already and hug him.

"Sapnap, I wish I was kidding. But I'm telling you the complete truth!" Dream explained.

"Meow!" You tell him, Dream!

"I'm going to need some proof." Sapnap crossed his arms.

"Okay, let's go to my room and George will turn back to human." Dream stood up, "Then you'll believe us."

George lead them to Deram's room and jumped up to the bed. Sapnap was impressed with how well Prince was trained.

Dream sat beside George on the bed. "Okay, this is going to sound weird, but come sit here and stay quiet for half an hour. And make sure not to look at George."

Sapnap rolled his eyes, "You are ridiculous."

"Sap, please, just give him a chance." Dream pleaded, and his eyes burned with honesty.

Sapnap took in a sharp breath, "O-okay..."

They both sat in silents, playing games on their phones. Sapnap was so confused as to why they were doing this. How was sitting here in the quiet going to turn Prince into George? Maybe Dream had finally gone crazy? That would explain a lot.

He soon felt two hands on his back. He looked over at dream to see him still on his phone.


His eyes widened, he knew the British voice from anywhere.

"I'm still mad at you for kicking me out in a middle of a typhoon! For what? Talking? And I never got to finish my pudding..." George frowned.

Dream had to stop himself from bursting out in laughter.

Sapnap was ecstatic to finally meet George but was also pissed off at him. "What do you mean?! If anything you deserved it!" Sapnap felt the hands on his back disappear, he turned around expecting to see a British idiot, but instead, all he sees was Prince, the little white and black cat. "Wait, where did he go?" Sapnap looked over at Dream confused.

Dream gave him a sad smile. "Georgie, come here." Prince walked over to Dream and cuddles up into a little ball in his lap. Dream started stroking him lovingly. "This is George, Sapnap..."

Sapnap felt his eyes tear up, "But, how?"

"Meow, Meow meow!" Some evil old bagel lady! She cursed me!

Sapnap chuckled a little, "George, you idiot. No one can understand you." Sapnap looked up at Dream, "So can he only turn human for a certain amount of time or..."

"Anyone that George loves can't see him. We can't even talk around him without him turning into a cat."

"Aww, Gogy, you love me?" Sapnap beamed with a cheeky smile.

George would normally hiss at Sapnap for that comment, but right now Dream was petting him in just the right spot and George loved the feeling, so he was too busy purring to scratch Sapnap's arm.

"Anyway, Dream, how did this happen to him? And how do we fix it?"

"He said an old lady cursed him at the airport. What exactly did she say to you, George? Do you remember? Figuring that out will probably help us."

George groaned, He couldn't remember it for the life of him. Also, He was extremely tired. He stayed up most of the night planing on how to tell them about his predicament. And now that he was a cat, he needs a lot more sleep.

Dream sighed, "We can discuss this after George has a little nap." Dream most have noticed how tired George was, "George?"

George purred.

"Do you want me to book you a hotel room? So you can be a human. I imagine it's probably uncomfortable being a cat all that time." Dream asked sweetly.

Don't get George wrong, it was very weird being a cat. But getting a hotel room would mean leaving Dream's side. And George despised that idea. Not that he was clingy or anything...

George shook his head.

"Are you sure?" Deram asked, a little concerned.

George felt like he was going to pass out any second, he was so exhausted. George licked Dream's hand and cuddled up even closer to him.

"I guess you can stay with me." Dream giggled. He liked this version of George, not the cat part but the fact that he was wearing his heart on his sleeve. George was usually so closed off. Dream could never tell how he was truly feeling. But right now, in his lap, George was so open. He smiled down at his best friend.

Sapnap looked back and forth between them. They were both so obviously in love. He laughed.

Dream looked over at him and gave him a confused face. "What's so funny, Nick?"

"Oh, pfft, nothing, I'm going to go do some research on curses and spells. Good luck with your man, Dream." Sapnap stood up and quickly left the room. Leaving a blushing Dream and a sleeping George.

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