Ch. 10 - What are we?

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George studied himself in the bathroom mirror. He had a pair of brown cat ears coming out of the top of his head, and a long umber tail. "What the hell!" George whined.

Sapnap knocked on the door, "Come on, George let me see!"

George could hear Dream wheezing behind Sapnap. "No, Dream's already made fun of me!"

"Ha- no- I-i'm not laughing at you- *Wheeze* it's the way- ha- you squawked when you- *chuckle* when you noticed your tail-" Dream was dying of laughter.

"It wasn't that funny Dream!" George yelled through the door.

"Come on, George! I won't be a dick like Dream! I just want to see your beautiful face!"

"You promise you won't laugh?" Geroge asked nervously.

"Yes! Now open the door!" Sapnap was growing impatient.

George unlocked the door, took a deep breath and poked his head out into the hallway. "Hi."

Sapnap grinning widely, "Gogy!" He wrapped George into a tight hug. "I finally get to meet you!" Sapnap started crying. "I'm so happy you're here! And actually here, not just a cat!"

Geroge hugged him back, "It's good to be home." George felt a few tears roll down his cheek.

Dream by now had calmed down from his laughter fit. He walked up to his two best friends and wrapped his arms around them, "Dream teams finally complete!"

"Well almost," Geroge pulled away from them and grabbed his tail. "I'm still not fully better."

"But this is a step in the right direction." Dream noted.

Sapnap walked around George, checking him out. "How did this happen? How'd you turn into a real catboy?"

George blushed, "D-dream, you tell him."

"Why me?!" Dream screeched.

"You're the one that asked me, idiot! Take responsibility!"

"Wha! But it's embarrassing!" Dream covered his face with his hands.

"What happened?" Sapnap laughed in confusion.

"Dream, are you saying you're embarrassed by me?" George asked slightly hurt.

Dream rushed over to George's side, "Nonononoono! Of course not! I could never be, baby."

"Baby?" Sapnap and George both looked shocked.

"Wait, are you two dating!" Sapnap shouted in excitement.

"No." George immediately shot down.

"Not yet." Dream corrected. "We haven't had time to talk about it."

"So what, did you two kiss? Was my theory about true love's kiss right?" Sapnap had a half-ass grin growing on his face. He was going to have a fun time teasing them.

"Maybe." George shrugged it off. He walked past both of his friends. "I'm going to sleep, see you two in the morning." George walked down the hallway to the spare bedroom.

Sapnap and Dream shared a quick look, "Well, goodnight Nick." Dream gave a little wave and left to follow after George.

"See you two love birds tomorrow!" Sapnap shouted down the hallway.

Dream knocked on George's door. "Georgie, can I come in?" He heard shuffling on the other side.

George opened the door and tilted his head, "Sure," He hobbled out of the way, letting Dream come in. Dream noticed George had changed into pjs, he was wearing an oversized pink hoodie with some black shorts, which you could barely see because of the hoodie. Cute. George stepped through the crowded room and moved some boxes off the bed. He sat down and patted the spot next to him. "What do you want?"

Dream took his seat next to George, "Um, to talk about us?"

"You don't seem too sure about that." George pointed out.

Dream gave off a nervous chuckle, "Well, what do you want to be?"

George wasn't good with talking about his feelings, and it was all a lot for him right now, he needed some space, some time to think about his feelings. Obviously, he liked Dream, but he wasn't sure what he wanted them to be. Being boyfriends felt like they were moving too fast. On the other hand, staying friends sounded like torture. "I'm not sure... Can you give me some time to think about it?"

Dream frowned.

"I do like you!" George hastily explained, "I really really like you Dream, I just need some time to sort out all my feelings. I want to do this right."

Dream grabbed George's hand and started kissing it, "Okay, I'll wait."

George smiled at him. "I'm so lucky to have you, Dream."

"On the contrary, I'm the luckiest person alive to have thee Georgenotfound, in my life."

George gave off one of his adorable giggles.

"Are you going to sleep in here?" Dream looked around the room filled with boxes and dust.

"It's my room, where else am I suppose to sleep?"

"In my bed. I promise to keep my hands to myself if that's a problem."

"Dream, I know I've been sleeping with you for the last four days but I was a cat. It different now."


"For one, I'm a lot bigger, I'll take up a lot more room. And two, now we know we both like each other."

"How about you sleep with me until we can get your room set up." Dream proposed.

George sighed, "I'm too tired to argue with you. Fine."

Dream smiled, "Yay! Come with me." Dream took George's hand and lead him to his room, Dream grabbed his jammies and left to get changed in the bathroom. George laid down on the bed and waited for Dream to come back. Dream reentered the room, throwing his dirty clothes in the laundry hamper. He made his way over to the bed and laid down beside George. "Can we cuddle?"

George rolled his eyes, "I suppose so."

Dream wrapped the blanket around them and pulled George close to his body. "Goodnight, Georgie." He kissed him sweetly on the forehead.

"Night, Dweam." George kissed him on the jawbone.

They drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.


George woke up to the front door slamming, he heard female voices. George shot up. He looked over and Dream's peaceful sleeping face, "Dream! Wake up!" George started shaking him.

"W- what is it?" Dream sat up confused.

"Someone's in the house." George hissed. "People can't see me like this!" He pointed to his ears.

"Oh, shit. It's my mom and sister, They came over to meet the new cat."


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