Ch. 12 - Made for you

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George tossed another empty box into the corner of his new room. "That was the last one." George smiled proudly, "Only took me five hours." He giggled.

Dream was busy setting up George's pc at his new desk. "Good job, George." Deram praised as he pressed the power button, the computer slowly started to hum.

"Did you get it to start?" George asked as he walked over to Dream, who was sitting on the office chair.

"Yeah, it's all set up, your mic, camera, lighting. Everything you'll need to start streaming again. Might want to do faceless for a while though."

George shrugged, "I'll just wear a hood or beanie when I do it. I'll become the new Quackity!" George skipped over to his dresser and pulled out one of his Georgenotfound Beanies. He neatly tucked his cat ears and hair inside it. "What do you think?"

"You're beautiful, gorgeous, perfect." Dream said with heart eyes.

George rolled his eyes, "You're so stupid. Now, move out of that chair, I want to try my new setup."

Dream pretended to think, "Umm... No. Guess you'll just have to sit on me."

George scoffed, "You're so annoying."

"Please, you love me." Dream smiled, leaning closer to George.

"Whatever makes you happy, Dream."

Dream stood up and put his arms around George, pulling him close. "Come on, George, tell me you love me."

George looked away from Dream, "Not this again, Dream, just drop it."

"I love you. Why can't you say it back?" Dream asked slightly hurt.

"You know I have a hard time expressing my feelings." George looked at Dream with his big dark chocolate eyes.

"George, it's just three words, how hard can it be?"

"Is it only three little words to you, Dream?" George tilted his head.

"No, of course not. It means a lot to me. That's why I want to hear you say it so bad." Dream tried to explain.

"Dream, I can't do it." George pulled away from Dream.

Dream frowned, "W-why?"

"Can we stop talking about this please?" George sat down at his desk and opened up twitch.

"George, why can't you talk to me about this? I'll always be here for you, and if you don't love me yet that's okay, I just want to talk about it-"

"Welcome to the stream everyone!" George waved at the camera, with a huge smile on his face.

Dream's mouth dropped. "George, you're really avoiding this by stre-"

George cut him off, "Yes, guys, Dream's in my room right now, but he was just about to leave. Right Dream?" George turned to look at him.

Dream scoffed, George could be so immature sometimes. "You know what George. Since you can't be a grown-up about this, We're going to do this live. Tell me you love me."

George was taken aback. "What? Dream, I'm streaming."

"I'm aware. We're going to have this conversation right now George. no matter what. No hiding behind streaming. So it's up to you if we do this live or not."

"Dream, you're being impossible," George whined.

"George, please, why don't you love me."

"Dream, Stop! You're getting the chat all riled up."

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