Ch. 29 - Make me

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This chapter gets kind of sexual just so you know

George turned on the bathwater and ran his hand through it, the water was nice and warm but not too warm that it would burn you. He grabbed some bubbles and poured them in. He looked around the bathroom to see if there was anything else he could add. He found a blue galaxy bath bomb and tossed it in. The water quickly turned into a neon-looking sky. sparkling stars underneath a galaxy of refreshing peppermint and shimmering blue. George stared at it in awe. It looked so pretty and smelled so nice.

He turned off the tap once the water was high enough and dipped his feet in. He felt a shiver go down his spine, this was going to be so relaxing. He slowly let his whole body sink into the warm milky way. He heard the bathroom door open and turned his head to see Dream in black swimming trunks, with a lime green stripe on the side of them. "Hello~" Dream smiled.

George decided to ignore Dream's obvious flirtatious mood and sink farther into the bathtub. "Hi." He said sweetly well playing with some bubbles.

"Move over." Dream demanded. George moved to the other side of the bathtub and watched as Dream lowered himself in, "Why'd you make it so hot?" Dream asked.

"Is it?" George wondered, "I thought it was a nice temperature."

"It's not bad, just a little warm that's all." Dream corrected, "I'm already used to it."

George smiled "Good." He moved closer to Dream and laid down between Dream's legs, with his back resting on Dream's chest.

Dream let his hands play with George's soft hair. "How is your hair always so soft?"

George closed his eyes and smiled, "I use shampoo and conditioner."

"So do I." Dream reasoned.

"No, you use all in one, that's not the same at all." George corrected.

"Well let me try your conditioner then, and we'll see if it makes a difference."

"Okay," George sat up and grabbed his conditioner off the side rack, "My conditioner is for curling hair though, but I'm sure it will still do the trick." George poured some out onto his hand and looked at Dream, "Get your hair wet."

Dream tilted his head back and let the water sink into it. He slowly came back up, "Is it wet enough?"

George nodded his head and started running his hands through Dream's wet hair. "Your hairs so thick." He commented.

"That's not the only thing about me that's thicc." Dream winked.

George giggled, "You're so stupid." He continued to play with Dream's dirty blond hair.

"But you love me~" Dream song to a playful tune.

George pulled his hands away and a light pink made its way across his face, "I do."

Dream practically swooned, He was so in love with the boy in front of him. He placed his left hand on George's jawline and tilted his head up, "I love yo-" George dunked Dream's head under the water. Dream came back up to a laughing George. "What the hell, George!" Dream chuckled.

"I-I was helping you wash out your hair." He giggled.

Dream rolled his eyes and pulled George onto his lap. Causing George to fall silent and get flustered.

"George~" Dream whispered into George's ear, biting his earlobe.

George whimpered, "Y-yeah?"

"Why did you invite me into the bath with you?" Dream murmured in a deep raspy voice.

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